
  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: 53.8064915
  • Longitude: -3.6663100

Profile: Hypothetical "Calder Oil Project"

Project Overview

  • Name: Calder Oil Project
  • Location: Hypothetical, could be any oil or gas field.
  • Project Attributes: This project involves the extraction, production, and sale of petroleum products, including oil, natural gas liquids (NGL), and condensate.

Production and Injection Data

  • Water Injection: Annual data on water injection volumes in million m³.
  • Water Production: Annual data on water production volumes from the field in million m³.
  • Gross Gas Production: Annual data on gross gas production in billion Sm³.
  • Gas Injection: Annual data on gas injection for enhanced recovery in billion Sm³.

Sales Data

  • Oil Sales: Annual base estimates with uncertainty estimates if the project is in early stages (RC0+1 to RC4). Sales quantities should be reported as oil, even if condensate is sold as oil.
  • NGL and Condensate Sales: Annual base estimates for NGL and condensate sales.
  • Gas Sales: Profiles for saleable gas per gas year and calendar year, including dry gas separated from liquids at the terminal and sold.

Costs and Investments

  • Investments: Annual data on investments, including capital expenditures.
  • Operating Costs: Annual data on operating costs, tariffs, and other costs associated with the project.

Environmental Data

  • Environmental Impact: Annual data on environmental metrics such as emissions, waste management, and other environmental factors.

Project Timeline

  • Start-Up Date: Assumed start-up year and month for the project, including the year and month when production from the project or operation of an infrastructure project will start.

Uncertainty and Risk

  • Production Start Uncertainty: Reporting on the uncertainty related to the production start date, especially for projects in early stages.
  • Operational Uncertainty: Reflecting uncertainties related to well drilling, well productivity, production capacity in processing facilities, etc..

Alexander Calder - Inspirational Context

While the "Calder Oil Project" is not directly related to Alexander Calder, the artist's innovative and dynamic approach to his work could serve as an inspirational model for the project's management and reporting.

  • Innovation and Adaptability: Like Calder's kinetic sculptures, the project could emphasize adaptability and innovation in its operations and reporting.
  • Public Engagement: Similar to Calder's public commissions, the project could focus on transparency and public engagement in its reporting and environmental impact assessments.
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