
  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: 58.3887100
  • Longitude: 0.3710900


The Chanter field is located in the North Sea, specifically within UK Block 15/17, approximately 200 kilometers northeast of Aberdeen. It is situated in close proximity to the Piper and Saltire fields.

Geographical and Operational Context

  • The Chanter field is part of the Saltire Area development, which includes the Saltire, Chanter, and Iona fields.
  • The field is operated by Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Limited, although historical operations involved different partners, including those associated with the Piper field development.

Production and Export

  • Production from the Chanter field was exported to the Piper B platform via a 6-inch flexible flowline. This flowline was part of a larger infrastructure that included pipelines connecting the Saltire, Iona, and Chanter fields to the Piper B platform.
  • Oil and gas from the Chanter field were then further exported from the Piper B platform. Oil was sent through a 30-inch diameter pipeline to the Flotta Terminal facilities in Orkney, while gas was exported to the St Fergus Gas Terminal via a 16-inch diameter gas export line.

Production History

  • Production from the Chanter field, along with the Saltire and Iona fields, was suspended in August 2014.
  • Formal approval to cease production was requested from the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) on September 19, 2016, and approval was received on November 11, 2016.


  • The Chanter field was connected to the Saltire A platform, which is a fixed drilling/production platform located 7 kilometers southeast of the Piper B platform.
  • The export infrastructure included a 40-inch pipeline bundle containing various lines for multiphase export, gas lift, and sea water injection.


  • Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Limited has commenced planning for the decommissioning of the Saltire Area development, which includes the Chanter field. This process involves detailed studies and preparation works to support the decommissioning programmes.

Historical Partners and Ownership

  • The development of the Chanter field was part of a broader program that included the Piper and Saltire fields. Historical partners in this development included Elf Enterprise Caledonia Ltd., Texaco Britain Ltd., Lasmo plc, and Union Texas Petroleum Ltd..
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