Hera Lacinia-Linda

  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: 39.0070000
  • Longitude: 17.2010000

Location and Geology

The Hera Lacinia-Linda gas field is situated in the Crotone Basin, which is on the Ionian side of the Calabrian Arc. This region is part of a highly active Mediterranean tectonic area. The Crotone Basin is a fore-arc basin that began opening between the Serravallian and Tortonian stages, on top of the SE-verging Calabrian accretionary wedge. This geological setting is characterized by a Neogene subduction zone between the sinking Ionian lithosphere and the overriding European plate.

Discovery and Operations

The Hera Lacinia-Linda field was discovered in 1971 and is known for its significant gas reserves, estimated at 370-400 million barrels of oil equivalent. The field has been operated by various entities, including Ionica Gas and the national hydrocarbons authority ENI (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi).


The field includes the Hera Lacinia collection and treatment center, as well as the production well Hera Lacinia 001. This infrastructure is part of the "Capo Colonne" concession, which was granted in September 1997 for 30 years and later renewed in 2007 for an additional 10 years.

Production and Subsidence

The area around the Hera Lacinia-Linda field has been subject to geodetic monitoring due to significant tectonic activity. Studies using InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) data have revealed coastal land subsidence, particularly around the Capo Colonna promontory. The subsidence pattern shows an east-west deformation field, with motions converging towards the agricultural area west of the Hera Lacinia 001 production well. The subsidence rates range between +0.2 and +0.6 cm/year, consistent with earlier observations.

Environmental and Geotechnical Context

The region's land cover, including forested areas of the Sila Massif, rural, and agricultural lands, affects the density of coherent targets for InSAR analysis. The lower density of targets in rural areas contrasts with the higher density in urbanized and coastal areas. This variation is crucial for understanding the spatial distribution of subsidence and other geological phenomena in the area.

Historical Context

The Italian upstream oil and gas industry, within which the Hera Lacinia-Linda field operates, has a rich history. The industry has evolved significantly since its early days, with various discoveries and developments contributing to Italy's energy landscape. The Hera Lacinia-Linda field is one of the notable discoveries that have contributed to Italy's hydrocarbon production.

In summary, the Hera Lacinia-Linda gas field is a significant hydrocarbon project in Italy, characterized by its complex geological setting, substantial gas reserves, and ongoing operational activities managed by major energy companies. The field's production is monitored closely due to the region's tectonic activity and associated subsidence issues.

Flag Name Type Date
SYL Sailing 11/2/2024
LILLESOL Sailing 11/1/2024
MURENA Other 10/23/2024
DIONYSOS Sailing 10/1/2024
MURENA Other 9/8/2024
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