
  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: 53.6730000
  • Longitude: 3.8100000

General Context of Offshore Projects in the Netherlands

  • The Netherlands Continental Shelf has several offshore gas and oil fields, many of which are managed by companies such as Wintershall, Gaz de France (now part of Engie), Total, and Chevron.

Specific Fields and Projects

  • There are numerous gas fields mentioned, such as the L8 and L5 Offshore Gas Fields, Q04 Gas Fields, Q08 Gas Fields, and others, but none specifically named "K06-D".

Licensing and Development

  • The Netherlands has an active regime of exploration and production licenses for hydrocarbon resources. In 2022, several licenses were applied for, granted, or modified, but there is no mention of a "K06-D" project in this context.


Given the lack of specific information on a "K06-D oil project" in the provided sources or any other readily available data, it appears that this project is either not well-documented in public sources or does not exist under that name.

Flag Name Type Date
BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/21/2024
BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/21/2024
BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/18/2024
BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/17/2024
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