
  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: 53.7630000
  • Longitude: 3.9170000

Here is what can be gathered from the relevant source about the project coded "Int/98/K06", which is not an oil project but might help clarify the context:

Project Int/98/K06

  • This project was part of a technical cooperation initiative supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and implemented from April 1999.
  • The project involved several components, including:
    • Training and seminars: One seminar in India, two courses in Jamaica and China, and on-the-job training.
    • Consultation missions: For example, a consultation mission in Zimbabwe to develop small hydro power (SHP) potential sites.
    • Technical evaluations: Evaluations of hydro power projects in various locations, including Jamaica and Kirghizstan. For instance, the project involved assessing the feasibility of several small hydro power sites in Kirghizstan and developing cooperation schemes.

Key Points

  • Objective: The project aimed to develop and enhance small hydro power potential in various countries.
  • Implementation: It was implemented by the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) and involved multiple international partners and institutions such as OLADE (Latin America Energy Organization) and ICIMOD (International Center for Integrated Mountainous Development).
  • Outcomes: The project resulted in several memoranda of understanding (MOUs) and technical evaluations for potential hydro power projects. It also involved rehabilitation and new development plans for hydro power stations in different regions.

Since there is no specific information on a "K06-G oil project," it appears that the project referenced does not pertain to oil but rather to small hydro power and related energy initiatives.

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BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/23/2024
BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/19/2024
BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/19/2024
BIBBY WAVEMASTER 1 baycraft 9/18/2024
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