K2 (GC562) - Anadarko

  • Type: Rig
  • asset
  • Latitude: 27.4085000
  • Longitude: -90.2810000

Profile for K2 Field (GC562) - Anadarko Oil Project


  • The K2 field is situated in the Green Canyon Blocks 518 and 562, approximately 175 miles south of New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • It is located at a water depth of 4,326 feet.


  • The K2 oil field is characterized by a large salt-cored compressional anticline structure surrounded by a 10,000-12,000 feet thick salt canopy.
  • A crestal normal fault divides the field into north and south fault blocks.
  • The field consists of two main reservoirs, M14 and M20, which are composed of turbidite sheet deposits of Miocene age.
    • The M14 reservoir is a single clean sand with a thickness of up to 100 feet and a high net to gross pay ratio.
    • The permeability of the field averages 700 millidarcies (md), and the porosity averages 23%.

Discovery and Development

  • The K2 field was originally discovered in 1999 by Conoco.
  • In 2000, ENI took over as the operator, but the project was later sanctioned in 2004.
  • Initial development involved drilling sub-sea wells GC 562 1, 2, and 3 in Green Canyon block 562.
  • Development activities included sidetracking of these wells below the 9-7/8″ production casing at depths ranging from 22,000 to 26,000 feet true vertical depth (TVD), and running 7-3/4in and 9-7/8in production casings.
  • Production from the GC 562 3 well began in May 2005, and by 2006, all three wells were on production using sub-sea tiebacks to the Marco Polo Tension Leg Platform (TLP) located in Green Canyon block 608, about seven miles from the K2 field.

Unitization and Operator

  • In July 2006, both the K2 and K2 North fields were unitized by all working interest parties.
  • In January 2007, Anadarko Petroleum was appointed as the operator of the K2 field.


  • Anadarko Petroleum holds a 41.8% working interest in the field.
  • Other stakeholders include:
    • Ecopetrol: 9.21%
    • Nippon: 11.6%
    • MCX: 11.6%
    • ConocoPhillips: 12.4%
    • ENI: 13.4%.

Production and Reserves

  • The K2 field is estimated to hold oil reserves of approximately 100 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe).
  • Production from the field is processed at Anadarko’s Marco Polo TLP.
  • In March 2009, Anadarko announced the development of two additional wells: GC 606 1 and GC 562 4 sidetrack 3. The GC 606 1 well, located in approximately 4,150 feet of water, was tested at 4,000 BOE/d and found 110 feet of net hydrocarbon pay in three middle- and lower-Miocene sands.


  • The development of the K2 field faced several challenges, including:
    • Loop current
    • Hurricanes Lillie, Katrina, and Rita
    • Shallow water flow zones
    • Drilling through 10,000 feet of salt.
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