- Type: Rig
- field
- Latitude: -21.5556344
- Longitude: 114.1572966
The Macedon gas field is situated in Commonwealth waters, approximately 40 km north of Exmouth and 100 km west of Onslow, Western Australia. It is located in blocks WA-42-L, WA-155-P, and WA-48-L, with water depths ranging from 120 to 180 meters.
Ownership and Operation
The field is operated by Woodside Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd, with Woodside holding a 71.4% interest and Santos Ltd holding the remaining 28.6%.
Production and Infrastructure
- Gas is produced from four subsea wells, with the potential for a fifth well. The gas flows through a subsea pipeline to a gas treatment and compression plant located approximately 17 km southwest of Onslow.
- The wet gas pipeline traverses State waters and extends onshore to the Macedon Gas Plant. Treated gas is then exported through a 67 km sales gas pipeline to an injection point on the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP).
Production History and Projections
- Production from the Macedon gas field commenced in 2013 and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- The field has recovered 81.44% of its total recoverable reserves, with peak production achieved in 2016. Based on economic assumptions, production is expected to continue until the field reaches its economic limit around 2036-2038.
Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
- The Macedon Operations were granted State and Commonwealth environmental approval in 2010 under Ministerial Statement 844 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Minor changes to the proposal were approved in 2012.
- Annual Compliance Assessment Reports (CARs) are prepared to assess compliance with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) requirements. These reports are available for download.
Expansion Projects
- There are two expansion projects associated with the Macedon conventional gas field: the Macedon Infill Opportunities and the Macedon Compression Project. These projects are currently in the feasibility stage.
Operational Activities
- The operational activities include the export of wet gas via a subsea pipeline, operation of the onshore gas treatment and compression plant, and the export of dry gas via the sales gas pipeline to the DBNGP. Inspection, monitoring, maintenance, and repairs (IMMR) are conducted as required throughout the operation design life.
Environmental Considerations
- The project involves environmental management plans to conserve, monitor, and manage areas of environmental and cultural significance within the project’s lease areas. The Operational Area encompasses key existing environment characteristics, and the Area that May be Affected (AMBA) includes all environmental characteristics and receptors with the potential to be impacted by planned and unplanned activities.
Contribution to Domestic Gas Market
- The Macedon gas field currently accounts for approximately 1% of Australia’s daily gas output and supplies gas to the Western Australian domestic market.