- Type: Rig
- field
- Latitude: -10.3333170
- Longitude: 40.3939999
The Msimbati oil and gas field is located in the Ruvuma Basin, which is part of the broader Tanzanian coastal basin. This area is adjacent to the Mafia Deepwater Basin (MDOB) and is known for its petroliferous characteristics.
Geology and Petroleum Potential
The Ruvuma Basin, where Msimbati is situated, has shown significant petroleum potential. There are known onshore oil seeps and subsurface gas discoveries in this region. The oil seeps on Msimbati Island, for example, exhibit characteristics of true degraded crude oils derived from mixed sources, including strongly reducing carbonate environments and Upper Cretaceous or younger sources. Additionally, there is a gas seep on the island, although it is believed to be of biogenic origin.
Reservoirs and Source Formations
The effectiveness of reservoir formations in the area is indicated by discoveries such as the Songo Songo and Mnazi Bay gas fields, which utilize Lower Cretaceous and Oligocene shallow marine and deltaic sandstones. For the Msimbati field, potential reservoirs are anticipated in Miocene to Paleocene (and perhaps Upper Cretaceous) slope and basin facies channel-fill sediments and turbidites. Outer shelf facies turbidite sandstones of Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous ages with porosities of up to 28% have also been identified.
Exploration and Licensing
Historically, the area had been surveyed with widely spaced reconnaissance seismic data, but modern high-resolution seismic surveys have provided a more detailed understanding of the basin's geological development. This has facilitated the definition of its petroleum potential and identified multiplay opportunities. The Tanzanian authorities had planned to offer the area for licensing, which would attract international oil companies for hydrocarbon exploration.
Operational Status
The Msimbati Oil and Gas Field is currently an operating field, involved in oil and gas extraction, with associated infrastructure such as oil and gas pipelines and potentially linked to LNG terminals.
Community and Environmental Considerations
While the specific details on community participation and environmental impacts for the Msimbati field are not extensively covered in the sources, it is important to note that local community participation in the natural gas sector in Southeastern Tanzania, including the Mtwara and Lindi regions, has been a subject of study. These studies highlight the importance of community engagement, benefit-sharing agreements, and the need for socially inclusive and sustainable natural gas sector development.
The Msimbati oil and gas project is part of a larger petroleum-rich region in Tanzania, with significant potential for hydrocarbon discoveries. The field benefits from detailed seismic data, identified reservoir formations, and ongoing operational activities. However, the project's success also depends on effective community engagement and sustainable development practices.