Nordsee A6/B4

  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: 55.8007000
  • Longitude: 3.9790000

Location and Geology

  • The A6/B4 field is situated approximately 300 kilometers off the German coast in the North Sea.
  • The field is located in 48 meters of water, which is slightly beyond the usual operating range of Wintershall Noordzee, the project coordinator.

Discovery and Exploration History

  • The A6/B4 field was originally discovered by Germany's BEB (Bundes-Erdgas und Erdoel) in 1974. Additional wells were drilled in 1976, 1984, and 1988 to further appraise the reservoir.
  • Despite the early discovery, the development of the field was delayed due to the lack of nearby infrastructure and the commitment of partners to other more commercially viable projects in the North Sea.

Reservoir Characteristics

  • The field contains two separate reservoirs holding over 450 billion cubic feet (bcf) of high-quality, nitrogen-rich Rotliegendes gas and approximately 4 million barrels of condensate.

Development and Infrastructure

  • The project involves the construction of a new platform designed for easy removal and complete disposal onshore after the field is depleted. The platform will be connected to the NOGAT trunkline in the Dutch sector via a pipeline.
  • The pipeline, which will be installed by Allseas using the large diameter pipelayer Solitaire, will carry gas and condensate 117 kilometers south to the NAM's F3/FB platform. From there, the gas will be directed into the NOGAT system to the Dutch mainland, while the condensate will be removed by tankers.
  • The development wells will be drilled from a 1,100-ton jacket, currently under fast-track construction by Heerema Havenbedrijf. The wells will be either slanted or near-horizontal.

Partners and Operators

  • The project is managed by Wintershall Noordzee, with partners including Wintershall (40.45%), BEB Erdgas und Erdoel (40.45%), BASF (12%), and RWE-DEA (7%).

Production and Export

  • The field was put into operation in September 2000. In 2007, it produced around 667 million cubic meters of natural gas.
  • Gas from the A6/B4 field is contracted to be sold to Dutch utility Gasunie for up to 16 years from 2000, depending on economic conditions.

Future Prospects and Integration

  • The new pipeline has been designed with excess export capacity in anticipation of further field developments in the region. Several promising, though technically challenging, accumulations are located near the pipeline route.
  • The project aligns with broader initiatives to integrate energy systems in the North Sea, including potential future developments in offshore hydrogen production, platform electrification, and carbon capture and storage.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations

  • The project must comply with international and regional regulations, including those related to the protection of the marine environment, freedom of navigation, and other obligations under international law.
  • The field's operations are subject to the regulatory frameworks of both Germany and the Netherlands, given its location and the involvement of Dutch infrastructure.

In summary, the Nordsee A6/B4 project is a significant gas and condensate extraction initiative that leverages existing North Sea infrastructure while anticipating future energy system integrations and adhering to stringent environmental and regulatory standards.

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