Odd Job (MC214) - Kosmos

  • Type: Rig
  • asset
  • Latitude: 28.7820000
  • Longitude: -88.0665000

Profile for Odd Job (MC214) - Kosmos Oil and Gas Project

Location: The Odd Job (MC 214) field is situated in the Mississippi Canyon protraction area of the Central Gulf of Mexico, within the federal offshore waters of the United States.

Operator and Ownership: The field is operated by Kosmos Energy, which acquired the assets of Deep Gulf Energy (DGE), including the Odd Job field, in September 2018.

Discovery and Development: The Odd Job field was sanctioned by Deep Gulf Energy in May 2015. It has been developed as a subsea tie-back to the nearby Delta House Floating Production System (FPS).


  • The field is connected to the Delta House FPS via a subsea tie-back.
  • Recent enhancements include the completion of the Kodiak-3 well workover and the startup of subsea pump facilities. OneSubsea and Subsea7 supplied and installed the subsea multiphase boosting system and associated 16-mile power and control cable.


  • The field has seen increased production following the startup of the subsea pump facilities, contributing to Kosmos Energy's overall production in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) rising to about 20,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d), a 40% increase from the first quarter.
  • A second development well was brought online in October 2018, further boosting production.

Economic and Operational Details:

  • The field's development and operational costs are detailed in the Wood Mackenzie report, which includes capital costs pre-2015 to 2023 and operating costs from 2024 to 2033.
  • The report also provides cash flow analysis, including cumulative net cash flow both undiscounted and discounted at 10%, and remaining revenue distribution.

Reserves and Production Profile:

  • The field's reserves are reported as 2P (proven and probable) reserves as of January 1, 2024.
  • Production data from 2016 to 2023 is available, along with a detailed production profile.

Recent Activities:

  • Kosmos Energy has recently enhanced the field's production capabilities with the installation of a subsea multiphase boosting system, which has significantly increased the field's output.

In summary, the Odd Job (MC 214) field is a small but significant oil and gas discovery in the Gulf of Mexico, operated by Kosmos Energy, with ongoing development and production enhancements contributing to the company's overall production in the region.

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