
  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: -20.0164275
  • Longitude: 116.3070232

Location and Geology

  • The Reindeer gas field is located in permit area WA-209-P of the Carnarvon Basin, approximately 45 kilometers southwest of Dampier, offshore Western Australia.

Reserves and Resources

  • The field is estimated to have proven and probable reserves of 485 peta joules (446 billion cubic feet) of commercial gas and 1.6 million barrels of condensate, based on 2008 exploration studies.

Discovery and Development

  • The Reindeer gas field was discovered in October 1997.
  • Santos commenced the front-end engineering and design (FEED) in 2007, which was finalized and approved in 2008.
  • The project was temporarily shelved in May 2009 due to the lack of a sales agreement but resumed after a gas sales and purchase agreement was signed with Citic Pacific.


  • The field is developed using an unmanned wellhead platform installed at a water depth of 65 meters. The platform has a four-legged jacket substructure and a four-level topside processing module with a helideck.
  • Gas is produced through this platform and transported to the onshore Devil Creek gas plant via a 105km-long, 16-inch offshore gas pipeline. About 90km of the pipeline is laid underwater, and the remaining 15km is onshore.

Production and Processing

  • The onshore Devil Creek gas plant has a processing capacity of up to 220 terajoules (TJ) of gas per day and 160 kiloliters (kl) of condensate per day.
  • The processed gas is compressed and exported to the Western Australian domestic market through the Dampier-Banbury Natural Gas Pipeline.
  • The production capacity of the field is approximately 110 TJ (101 million cubic feet) a day of sales gas.

Contracts and Partnerships

  • Quadrant Energy is the operator of the Reindeer field with a 55% ownership, while Santos holds the remaining 45% stake.
  • Santos signed a contract with Citic Pacific in January 2009 to supply about 75 peta joules of natural gas for more than seven years to its Sino Iron project in Western Australia.

Construction and Installation

  • The wellhead platform was installed in two phases, with the jacket substructure and piles installed first, followed by the topside deck. The installation was completed in March 2011.
  • Contracts for engineering, procurement, and fabrication (EPF) of the wellhead platform were awarded to Clough Engineering, while SapuraAcergy was contracted for laying the offshore pipeline.

Operational Timeline

  • First gas production from the field began in December 2011.
  • The project is expected to have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years.
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ENRYBO KAE Pleasure 9/3/2024
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