
  • Type: Rig
  • field
  • Latitude: -10.7887000
  • Longitude: 41.0476000

Project Overview

  • Location: The Windjammer discovery is located in the offshore region of the Rovuma Basin, Mozambique.
  • Discovery Date: The Windjammer prospect was spud in late 2009.
  • Reserves: The discovery is estimated to contain 190 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas.
    • Note: Since the primary discovery is gas, the profile might need to focus more on gas production, but it can still include any associated oil or condensate.

Production and Injection Data

  • Gas Production: Report the estimated annual gas production in billion Sm³. Include high and low estimates to account for uncertainty in reservoir and operational parameters.
    • Water Production: If applicable, report water production from the field in million m³.
    • Water Injection: If enhanced recovery techniques are used, report water injection volumes in million m³.

Sales and Revenue Data

  • Gas Sales: Report annual base estimates of gas sales, including uncertainty estimates if the project is in early stages (RC0+1 to RC4).
  • Associated Liquids: If there are associated oil, NGL (Natural Gas Liquids), or condensate, report annual base estimates for these products as well.

Costs and Investments

  • Investment Data: Report the capital expenditures and operating costs associated with the project. This includes costs related to well drilling, production facilities, and any other infrastructure.
  • Operating Costs: Break down the operating costs into categories such as tariffs, maintenance, and other relevant expenses.

Environmental Data

  • Environmental Impact: Report any environmental data relevant to the project, including emissions, waste management, and other environmental metrics.

Project Attributes and Uncertainty

  • Start-Up Date: Provide the estimated start-up date (DG4) for the project, including any uncertainty related to the production start date.
  • Uncertainty Profiles: Include profiles that reflect the uncertainty in production start dates, reservoir performance, and operational parameters.

Surface and Operational Characteristics

  • Surface Disturbance: If applicable, report on the surface disturbance caused by the project, including any construction activities and infrastructure development.
  • Well Count and Type: Detail the number and type of wells planned or drilled, including horizontal wells or other specific drilling techniques.

Example Profile Structure

Profile Collection

Project Overview

  • Project Name: Windjammer
  • Location: Offshore Rovuma Basin, Mozambique
  • Discovery Date: Late 2009
  • Estimated Reserves: 190 tcf of natural gas

Production and Injection Data

  • Annual Gas Production:
    • Base Estimate: X billion Sm³
    • High Estimate: Y billion Sm³
    • Low Estimate: Z billion Sm³
  • Water Production: If applicable, X million m³
  • Water Injection: If applicable, X million m³

Sales and Revenue Data

  • Annual Gas Sales:
    • Base Estimate: X billion Sm³
    • High Estimate: Y billion Sm³
    • Low Estimate: Z billion Sm³
  • Associated Liquids Sales: If applicable, report annual base estimates for oil, NGL, and condensate.

Costs and Investments

  • Capital Expenditures: Detailed breakdown of investment costs.
  • Operating Costs: Detailed breakdown of operating costs, including tariffs, maintenance, etc.

Environmental Data

  • Emissions: Report on greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental metrics.
  • Waste Management: Report on waste management practices.

Project Attributes and Uncertainty

  • Estimated Start-Up Date: DG4 date with uncertainty estimates.
  • Uncertainty Profiles: Include separate profiles for uncertainty in production start dates and operational parameters.
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