• Latitude: 65.6935
  • Longitude: -18.0905
  • North Atlantic
  • Port in Iceland

Address: Iceland

Phone number: +354 460 4200

Web-site: http://www.port.is

Marine Port Description and Specification: Port of Akureyri, Iceland

General Overview: The Port of Akureyri is one of the primary ports in Iceland, located in the town of Akureyri along the northern coastline. Nestled in the picturesque fjord of Eyjafjörður, the port is a critical gateway for both commercial and recreational maritime activities. Given its strategic location, the Port of Akureyri plays a significant role in regional trade, tourism, and fishing industries.

Geographical Coordinates:

  • Latitude: 65.6833° N
  • Longitude: 18.1000° W

Facilities and Infrastructure:

  1. Cargo Handling:

    • The port is equipped to handle various cargo types, including bulk, breakbulk, and containerized goods.
    • Modern loading and unloading equipment such as cranes and conveyor systems are available.
  2. Berth Specifications:

    • Number of Berths: Multiple berths suitable for different vessel types, including cruise ships, cargo ships, and fishing vessels.
    • Berth Depth: Depths at the berths typically range from 8 to 10 meters, accommodating ships of considerable draft.
    • Pier Length: Varies with several piers extending to lengths that can host medium-sized ocean-going vessels.
  3. Storage Facilities:

    • On-site warehousing and refrigerated storage facilities.
    • Open storage areas for bulk goods and container stacking spaces.
  4. Fueling and Bunkering:

    • Facilities available for refueling vessels.
    • Provision of fresh water and other supplies.
  5. Fishing and Seafood Processing:

    • Specialized infrastructure to support the local fishing fleet.
    • Facilities for the processing and storage of seafood products.
  6. Passenger Services:

    • Cruise terminal with amenities for tourists, including waiting areas and information centers.
    • Efficient transportation links to town centers and tourist attractions.
  7. Customs and Security:

    • Full customs and border control services to handle international cargo and passenger movements.
    • 24/7 security monitoring within the port vicinity.
  8. Environmental Systems:

    • Measures in place to minimize environmental impacts, including waste management and pollution control systems.
    • Compliance with international maritime environmental regulations.

Navigational Information:

  • Approach: Marked by navigational buoys and lights; the fjord provides a sheltered approach.
  • Pilotage: Pilotage services are recommended and often compulsory for larger vessels.
  • Tides and Currents: Generally, the tidal range is minimal, but local current patterns should be consulted for safe navigation.

Key Industries and Trade:

  • Fishing Industry: A significant portion of maritime activity, contributing massively to local economy.
  • Tourism: Growing cruise ship traffic owing to Iceland's increasing popularity as a travel destination.
  • Shipping and Logistics: Facilitating regional trade, especially imports and exports.

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority: Akureyri Port Authority
  • Website: [Link to the Port's official website]
  • Telephone: +354 (local area code)
  • Email: [Official port contact email]

In summary, the Port of Akureyri is a versatile and crucial maritime hub in northern Iceland, serving a multitude of roles from commercial shipping to supporting the vibrant tourism and fishing industries. With modern facilities and robust infrastructure, the port ensures efficient and safe operations for a variety of maritime activities.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
POLSTJARNAN Sailing 01:15:27
BJORG Fishing MORE INFO CHANNEL 16 11:57:55
HOLMASOL Passenger 11:40:02
JOKULL Fishing 11:27:25
FRIGG Pleasure 10:23:25
TRYGGVI SVEINS Fishing 09:28:48
HUNI II Other AKUREYRI 09:28:42
MJOLNIR Port 08:27:21
SNAEFELL Fishing FISHING 08:26:52
SEIFUR Towing/Tug AKUREYRI 08:24:52
ANNA 6754 Fishing NORDUPLAAT 07:24:54
NANNA Sailing 07:23:46
SULAN EA-300 Pleasure 06:26:58
SIF Fishing 05:57:36
HARPA KAREN Pleasure 05:26:53
KATARINA Fishing 05:26:41
BIRTA 6546 Fishing 05:25:11
FINNI Fishing 04:24:41
BIGGI (6355) Fishing 04:24:36
HAFDIS Fishing 03:26:16

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