• Latitude: 38.0899
  • Longitude: 23.1866
  • East Mediterranean
  • Marina in Greece

Address: Greece

Alepochori is a coastal town located in the Attica region of Greece, along the eastern shores of the Corinthian Gulf. While Alepochori is renowned for its scenic beauty, beaches, and the surrounding natural landscapes, it does not have a large-scale marina like those found in more prominent yachting destinations in the Mediterranean.

However, Alepochori does have small docking facilities primarily for local fishing boats and possibly smaller pleasure crafts. Below are details about the general area and the docking facilities that may be available:

General Description:

  • Location: Alepochori is located approximately 60 km west of Athens, near the northwest part of the Isthmus of Corinth.
  • Landscape: The area features beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush natural surroundings. It's a more tranquil and less commercialized part of Greece compared to major tourist hotspots.
  • Activities: Common activities in Alepochori include swimming, fishing, boating, and enjoying local Greek cuisine in seaside tavernas.
  • Nearby Attractions: Close to historical sites such as the Corinth Canal and Ancient Corinth, offering cultural tourism options.

Docking Facilities:

As of the latest available information, Alepochori does not boast a large marina with extensive services. Instead, the docking facilities are quite basic. Here's what you might typically find:

  • Dock Type: Small piers and quays primarily used by local fishermen.
  • Boat Size: Suitable for smaller vessels, typically under 10 meters.
  • Services: Limited; basic amenities such as water and perhaps some electricity. Major repair and maintenance facilities are unlikely to be available on-site.
  • Mooring: Generally, mooring is straightforward, often using a combination of quay-side ties and anchor points.


Here are some potential specifications and considerations if you plan to visit with a small vessel:

  • Depth: The water depth near the docks should be checked locally as it may not be suitable for deep-draft boats.
  • Shelter: The area should be relatively sheltered from major storms, but always check weather reports.
  • Navigation: Basic navigation aids might be present, but comprehensive charts and GPS are recommended.
  • Access: Easily accessible either by sea from the Corinthian Gulf or by road from Athens.


  • Fuel: Plan fuel stops beforehand, as small ports like Alepochori may not have refueling stations.
  • Provisions: Stock up on provisions in larger towns to ensure you have all necessary supplies.
  • Local Regulations: Adhere to local maritime regulations, and check for any permits or fees required for docking.

In summary, while Alepochori offers a picturesque and peaceful boating experience, it is not a major yachting hub with extensive marina facilities. It is best suited for smaller boats and those looking for a more authentic and laid-back Greek coastal experience.

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