• Latitude: 56.8988
  • Longitude: -154.248
  • Alaska
  • Port in US

Address: Alitak Alaska US

Alitak is a small port located in the United States, specifically in the Kodiak Island Borough in the Gulf of Alaska. While not as prominent or busy as larger commercial ports, it serves specific local needs, particularly those related to fishing and marine resources.


Alitak, positioned at the southern tip of Kodiak Island, primarily supports the fishing industry, which is a significant economic activity in this region. The port area includes facilities that cater to fishing vessels, processing plants, and storage for marine products. Its remote location means that it is mostly utilized by local commercial and industrial enterprises.


  • Location: Southern tip of Kodiak Island, Gulf of Alaska, United States
  • Coordinates: Approximately 56.9°N latitude and 154.3°W longitude
  • Type of Harbor: Natural
  • Use: Primarily commercial fishing and seafood processing
  • Depth: Variable; specific depth details should be checked with local navigation authorities based on vessel requirements
  • Facilities:
    • Docks and Piers: Designed to accommodate fishing vessels and smaller commercial craft
    • Storage: Warehousing facilities for seafood and fishing equipment
    • Processing Plants: On-site facilities for immediate processing of caught fish and other marine products
    • Utilities: Basic utilities including water and electricity to support port operations


  • Navigation: Access to Alitak is primarily by sea, given its island location. Due to its remote nature, approach should be made carefully, considering local weather conditions and tides.
  • Road Access: Limited, with primary access routes within Kodiak Island connecting it to other parts of the island.


  • Marine Services: Basic services to support fishing operations, including fuel, maintenance, and repair services for vessels
  • Logistics: Limited logistical services considering the port’s small scale and primary focus on local industry needs
  • Emergency Services: Availability of emergency services is limited, often requiring coordination with larger facilities on Kodiak Island or mainland Alaska

Environmental Considerations

  • Weather: Weather conditions in the Gulf of Alaska can be harsh and change rapidly, including fog, high winds, and heavy seas
  • Ecological Impact: The port operates under ecological regulations to protect the marine environment, particularly given the sensitivity of Alaskan waters and their importance to local wildlife.

Operational Details

  • Port Authority: Managed under the jurisdiction of Kodiak Island Borough and subject to regulations by U.S. maritime authorities
  • Operational Hours: Typically operates year-round, though activities may vary seasonally based on fishing cycles

Given its focused application in the fishing industry, Alitak plays a crucial role in the local economy, despite its small size. It is a key point for handling, processing, and shipping fisheries products to other parts of Alaska and the wider United States. For more detailed and current information, it is advisable to contact local port authorities or navigation channels.

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