• Latitude: 38.3915
  • Longitude: 24.045
  • East Mediterranean
  • Port in Greece

Address: Aliveri Central Greece 34500 Greece


Port Description and Specifications: Aliveri, Greece

Aliveri is a lesser-known, yet strategically significant port town situated on the island of Euboea (Evia) in Greece. The port is primarily industrial, serving the needs of the surrounding region, particularly for energy, raw materials, and local commerce.


  • Coordinates: Approximately 38.41°N latitude and 24.03°E longitude.
  • Accessibility: Easily accessible from major cities like Athens, which is approximately 120 kilometers to the west.

Infrastructure and Facilities:

  1. Docks and Berths:

    • The port features several berths capable of accommodating medium-sized vessels.
    • Depths range from 7 to 10 meters, making it suitable primarily for cargo ships and specific industrial vessels.
  2. Storage and Handling:

    • Storage facilities include open yards and warehousing space.
    • Equipment such as cranes and forklifts are available for material handling.
    • Special facilities cater to energy sector needs, including receipt and storage of coal and other materials.
  3. Connectivity:

    • Well-connected by road to the mainland, ensuring smooth transportation of goods to and from the port.
    • Nearby railway facilities can support cargo movement, albeit indirectly.
  4. Utilities:

    • Availability of essential utilities such as freshwater, provisions, and waste disposal.
    • Bunkering services are limited but can be arranged through local suppliers.
  5. Services:

    • Basic repair services are available in the port area, with more comprehensive services provided in nearby larger ports such as Chalkida (Chalcis).
    • Pilotage is compulsory for vessels above certain size thresholds and is available upon request.

Operational Information:

  1. Operating Hours: Typically 24/7, though specific services may vary.
  2. Security: Adheres to International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code to ensure safety and security of vessels, cargo, and crew.
  3. Environmental Regulations: Compliance with national and European Union (EU) environmental regulations, with specific measures for pollution control and waste management.

Economic Significance:

  • The port of Aliveri mainly supports the local economy, particularly the energy sector.
  • Major industries served include power generation facilities and small to medium-sized manufacturing units situated in the region.

Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Challenges: Limited berthing capacity and depth may restrict the port's ability to accommodate larger vessels.
  • Opportunities: Potential for development and modernization to boost capacity and efficiency could attract more business and enhance regional connectivity.

Conclusion: Aliveri port, while modest compared to major Greek ports like Piraeus, plays a vital role in the local economy, especially in supporting the energy and industrial sectors. Investment in infrastructure and services could significantly enhance its capability and regional importance.

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