• Latitude: 46.7123
  • Longitude: 142.519
  • CIS Pacific
  • Port in Russia

Address: Port Aniva Sakhalin Oblast Russia

Aniva Port Overview and Specifications

Aniva is a port located in the Sakhalin region of Russia, situated on the southern coast of Sakhalin Island.

Geographical Coordinates:
Approximate coordinates are 46° 42' N latitude and 142° 32' E longitude.

Aniva port is crucial for logistical operations, especially for the Sakhalin-2 Project, which involves oil and gas exploitation in the region. It serves as a pivotal point for the export of energy resources.

Port Facilities:

  1. Berths and Docks:

    • Number of Berths: The port has multiple berths catering to different types of vessels, including cargo ships and tankers.
    • Depth: The port has variable depths, generally suitable for medium to large-sized ships. Depth at berths can vary, typically ranging from 10 meters to deeper depending on specific docking areas.
  2. Cargo Handling:

    • Type of Cargo: Port Aniva handles various types of cargo including crude oil, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and general cargo.
    • Equipment: The port is equipped with modern cranes and other cargo handling equipment necessary for efficient operations.
  3. Storage Facilities:

    • Warehouses: There are covered and open storage areas for temporary storage of goods.
    • Tanks: Specialized storage tanks for oil and LNG are available, ensuring safe handling and storage of hazardous materials.
  4. Support Services:

    • Pilotage: Pilotage is compulsory for navigating vessels into and out of the port, ensuring safe and efficient docking.
    • Tug Assistance: Tugboats are available to assist in maneuvering vessels, especially during adverse weather conditions.
    • Repair and Maintenance: Some basic repair and maintenance services are available within the port or nearby facilities.
  5. Safety and Regulations:

    • ISPS Compliance: The port adheres to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, ensuring stringent security measures.
    • Environmental Policies: The port follows environmental regulations to mitigate the impact of port activities on the surrounding marine environment.
  6. Connectivity:

    • Road and Rail Access: The port is connected to local road networks, and there may be rail access for efficient cargo movement.
    • Marine Routes: The port serves as a key point for maritime routes in the Pacific, connecting to various international and domestic destinations.
  7. Accommodation and Amenities:

    • Crew Amenities: Basic amenities like rest areas, facilities for communication, and provisions for crew members are available.
    • Transport: Availability of local transport for easy commuting within and outside the port area.

Operational Notes:

  • Weather Conditions: The port is operational year-round but can be influenced by seasonal weather patterns including typhoons.
  • Customs and Clearance: Efficient customs and clearance processes expedite the handling of cargo.

Key Contact Information:

  • Port Authority Office: Specific contacts can typically be obtained directly from the Sakhalin regional port authority or the managing body of the port.

Future Developments:

  • There might be ongoing or planned expansions and modernizations to accommodate increasing traffic and larger vessels, particularly with the growth in LNG shipments from Sakhalin.


Port Aniva serves as a vital maritime infrastructure on Sakhalin Island, contributing significantly to Russia's energy export capabilities. The port’s facilities, services, and strategic location make it integral to the region's economic activities, particularly in the oil and gas sector.

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