• Latitude: -1.40602
  • Longitude: 5.64096
  • West Africa
  • Port in Equatorial Guinea

Address: Annobón Equatorial Guinea

Marine Port Description and Specification: Annobón, Equatorial Guinea


Annobón, also known as Pagalu, is a small island belonging to Equatorial Guinea located in the Gulf of Guinea. It's an important maritime hub due to its strategic location and has basic port facilities to support maritime activities. Below are the general descriptions and specifications of the port of Annobón.


  • Coordinates: Approximately 1°24'S 5°38'E
  • Island: Annobón Island, Equatorial Guinea
  • Geographical Position: Situated in the South Atlantic Ocean, near the equator, southwest of São Tomé and Príncipe.

Port Infrastructure

  • Type of Port: Natural
  • Terminal Facilities: The port primarily consists of a small pier or jetty capable of handling minor maritime activities.
  • Berthing Facilities: Limited; primarily supports smaller vessels, fishing boats, and local ferry services.
  • Draft: Generally shallow; specific details on depth are limited but suitable only for small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Anchorage: Good anchorage points available nearby in protected waters.

Services and Capabilities

  • Cargo Handling: Limited; manual and small-scale handling primarily of local cargo and supplies.
  • Fuel Services: Limited availability, primarily for local needs.
  • Fresh Water: Limited supply; available but not in large quantities.
  • Customs and Immigration: Basic facilities for entry and exit of small vessels.
  • Navigation Aids: Basic aids; fewer than those at larger ports.


  • Fishing: Major activity in the region, with local fishing boats frequently using the port facilities.
  • Local Ferry Service: Connects with the mainland and other islands.
  • Maritime Logistics: Limited, mainly for supporting local economic activities.


  • Approach Channels: Natural approach with limited marked channels.
  • Tides and Currents: Moderate; influenced by the Atlantic Ocean's tidal patterns.
  • Weather Conditions: Tropical climate with humid conditions and occasional heavy rainfall, which may impact port operations.

Nearby Facilities

  • Storage: Limited warehousing facilities.
  • Ship Repair: Minor capabilities, mostly for local fishing vessels and small crafts.
  • Accommodations: Basic; mainly catering to local populations and small-scale tourism.


  • Limited Capacity: The port of Annobón is constrained in terms of size and capability, making it suitable only for small-scale operations.
  • Strategic Importance: Despite limitations, its position in the Gulf of Guinea gives it strategic value, particularly for regional maritime routes.

Contact and Administrative Information

  • Port Authority: Managed under the local administration of Annobón and the central government of Equatorial Guinea.
  • Communication: Basic radio and satellite communication available.


Annobón's port is a minor but essential component of Equatorial Guinea's maritime infrastructure, primarily supporting local and regional maritime activities. It plays a crucial role in the region's fishing industry and provides necessary logistics for the island’s inhabitants. However, its facilities and capabilities are limited, necessitating reliance on larger ports for extensive maritime operations.

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