• Latitude: 42.0605
  • Longitude: 139.451
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Anae Hokkaido Japan

Phone number: +81-123-456-789


Aonae is a small port located on the island of Okushiri in Hokkaido, Japan. Okushiri Island lies in the Sea of Japan, to the west of Hokkaido's mainland. While Aonae is not one of Japan's major ports, it plays an important role in connecting the island to the Hokkaido mainland and supporting local industries, particularly fishing and tourism.

Port Description:

  • Location: Aonae, Okushiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 42°10′N 139°30′E.
  • Type of Port: Regional port, mainly supporting fishing, local transport, and small-scale cargo operations.

Port Specifications:


  • Berths: The port is equipped with several berths primarily designed for fishing vessels and small cargo ships.
  • Depth: The depth can vary, typically accommodating smaller vessels. Specific details may vary, but it generally supports vessels with a modest draft.
  • Facilities: As a smaller port, facilities may include basic storage and handling areas, a fish market, and essential services for maritime operations.


  • Cargo Handling: The port handles small-scale cargo operations, primarily catering to the needs of the local population and industries.
  • Fishing: One of the primary functions of the port, with facilities to support the local fishing fleet.
  • Passenger Transport: Aonae might have ferry services connecting it to other parts of Hokkaido, facilitating the movement of residents and tourists.

Economic Role:

  • Local Economy: Aonae port plays a crucial role in supporting the local economy, especially the fishing industry and related businesses.
  • Tourism: The port also aids in tourism, providing access to Okushiri Island's natural attractions for visitors.

Additional Information:

  • Weather Conditions: Being in the Sea of Japan, the port experiences seasonal weather variations, including cold winters and the potential for rough seas.
  • Navigation: Mariners should be cautious of local maritime conditions and seek updated charts and advice when planning a visit.

Given the small scale of Aonae port, detailed technical specifications might not be as readily available or standardized as those for larger commercial ports. For specific navigational or operational details, contacting local port authorities or consulting nautical charts is advisable.

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