• Latitude: -34.4342
  • Longitude: 137.924
  • East Australia
  • Port in Australia

Address: Australia

As of my most recent update in October 2021, Ardrossan is a town on the east coast of the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia, but it is not a major marine port facility. For accurate and current information, please verify the details from a reliable source. Below is a historical and general overview:

Ardrossan, South Australia - General Overview


  • Latitude: ~34.4250° S
  • Longitude: ~137.9167° E
  • Eastern coast of the Yorke Peninsula, about 150 km west-northwest of Adelaide.

Port and Marine Facilities

Port Operations:

  • Primarily supports local and regional activities; not a major international shipping hub.
  • Integral to local industries such as agriculture and mining.

Cargo and Operations:

  • Historically significant for the shipment of agricultural products, particularly grains and salt.
  • Also served by grain handling facilities and a deep-water jetty specifically for grain exportation.


  • Deep-water jetty: Used for bulk cargo, particularly agricultural exports.
  • Grains silos and handling facilities.
  • Amenities supporting local and regional logistics, such as warehousing and storage.

Industries Supported:

  • Agricultural: Grain, particularly wheat and barley; pulse crops.
  • Mining: Historically, salt extraction.

Maritime Specifications


  • Deep-water jetty allows for the accommodation of large bulk carriers.
  • Depth alongside jetty: Typically sufficient for bulk grain carriers.
  • Precise depth and berth characteristics should be verified with current port authorities.


  • Approach: Maritime approach typically straightforward; however, vessel operators must coordinate with port authorities for specifics.
  • Navigational aids: Buoys, lights, and channel markers to aid in safe navigation.

Regulations and Requirements:

  • Adhere to Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) standards.
  • Environmental regulations in place to protect local marine and coastal ecosystems.

Port Management:

  • Local authorities manage port operations in coordination with regional and national bodies.
  • Safety and operational protocols are in place to ensure the port functions efficiently and safely.

Utilities and Services:

  • Limited compared to major ports; mainly serves specific industries rather than acting as a general cargo or container port.
  • Basic services like water and fuel provision may be available, but specialized services likely require coordination with larger ports.


Ardrossan's port facilities serve a specific niche supporting regional agricultural exports and some local industries. It is not a major commercial maritime hub but plays a vital role in the local economy of the Yorke Peninsula.

For any planned marine operations, it is critical to contact the local port authority or relevant Australian marine agencies to get updated specifications, operational details, and regulatory requirements.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
TS FLOWER Cargo AU ARD 02:56:49
BRG VINCENT Towing/Tug 9/12/2024

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