• Latitude: -6.06846
  • Longitude: 11.3574
  • West Africa
  • Offshore Terminal in Marshall Islands

Address: Marshall Islands

The ARMADA OLOMBENDO FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) is a sophisticated offshore vessel used for the production and processing of hydrocarbons, as well as for the storage of oil. The FPSO is stationed offshore and plays a critical role in the oil and gas industry, particularly in deepwater and ultra-deepwater projects. Below is a detailed description and specification of the ARMADA OLOMBENDO FPSO, which is registered in the Marshall Islands:


  2. Type: Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel
  3. Owner/Operator: Bumi Armada Berhad, an international offshore energy facilities and services provider.
  4. Registry: Marshall Islands
  5. Deployment Location: Typically deployed in the deepwater fields of West Africa, specifically in Angola's offshore oil fields like the East Hub Development located in Block 15/06.


  1. Design and Conversion:

    • The ARMADA OLOMBENDO was converted from a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC), upgrading and outfitting it to meet the technical requirements for deepwater oil and gas production and storage.
  2. Production Capacity:

    • Oil Production: Can process around 80,000 barrels of oil per day (bbl/d).
    • Gas Production: Can handle approximately 120 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas.
  3. Storage Capacity:

    • Can store around 1.8 million barrels of crude oil.
  4. Dimensions:

    • Length: Approximately 382 meters
    • Breadth: Approximately 58 meters
    • Depth: Approximately 32 meters
  5. Topside Facilities:

    • Equipped with complex process modules for crude oil processing, gas processing, water injection, and other utility systems.
    • Advanced safety systems including fire and gas detection, emergency shutdown systems.
  6. Mooring System:

    • Spread mooring or turret mooring system allowing the vessel to maintain its position even in challenging environmental conditions.
  7. Accommodation:

    • Can house around 100 personnel, featuring living quarters with modern amenities for staff and crew.
  8. Helideck:

    • Equipped with a helideck to facilitate the transportation of personnel and supplies to and from the vessel.
  9. Offloading:

    • Oil can be offloaded to shuttle tankers or pipelines through the vessel's offloading systems.
  10. Certifications and Compliance:

    • Complies with international maritime regulations and oil and gas industry standards, including those set by the Marshall Islands Registry and Classification Societies like ABS or DNV GL.

Notable Features:

  • Advanced Automation and Control Systems: For efficient, safe, and environmentally compliant operations.
  • Subsea Infrastructure Support: The FPSO is capable of handling complex subsea tie-backs, controls, and flow assurance systems.
  • Environmental Protection: Equipped with systems to minimize environmental impact, including produced water treatment and gas flaring reduction technologies.

The ARMADA OLOMBENDO FPSO represents a critical asset in offshore oil and gas production, embodying state-of-the-art technology and engineering designed to operate reliably in harsh marine environments.

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