• Latitude: 34.2672
  • Longitude: 133.636
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Awashimaura Niigata Prefecture 958-0061 Japan

Awashima Marine Port is located in Japan, and here are some key details and specifications regarding this port:


  • Island: Awashima is an island situated in the Sea of Japan.
  • Prefecture: Niigata Prefecture, Japan.

Port Specifications and Facilities

  1. Berths and Piers:

    • The port may have several berths and piers to accommodate different types of vessels, from fishing boats to smaller cargo ships. Exact numbers and sizes would be specific to the current infrastructure.
  2. Depth:

    • The depth of the port will vary; typically, ports like these cater to shallower draft vessels. Information on maximum draft limitations should be consulted from local sources or navigational charts.
  3. Cargo Handling:

    • Specialized in handling small to medium-sized vessels. Facilities are likely geared towards fishing operations, local goods, and possibly small-scale passenger transport.
    • Equipment like cranes, forklifts, and other cargo handling gear would be available depending on the usual types of cargo.
  4. Storage Facilities:

    • Limited warehousing and storage facilities often available for perishable goods like seafood, given Japan's extensive fishing industry.
  5. Navigational Aids:

    • Standard navigational aids such as lighthouses, beacons, and buoys would be present. Vessels are advised to navigate using up-to-date nautical charts and local guidance systems.
  6. Harbor Services:

    • Basic port services including provisioning, minor repair capabilities, waste disposal, and possibly bunkering (fueling) for smaller vessels.
  7. Accessibility:

    • The port is accessible year-round but may have specific seasonal considerations concerning weather conditions typical to the Sea of Japan, such as winter storms.
  8. Customs and Immigration:

    • As a smaller port, customs and immigration services may be limited compared to major commercial ports. Incoming international vessels would need to pre-arrange these services.

Additional Information

  • Economic Role: The port primarily serves the local economy, focusing on fishing and possibly catering to small-scale tourism.
  • Transport Links: Connectivity to the mainland via ferry services, and local transportation infrastructure to move goods and people.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations

  • Compliance with national maritime regulations and international standards, including pollution control measures, safety protocols, and sustainable fishing practices.

Contact Information

  • Government or provincial authorities typically manage the port, so contacting Niigata Prefecture's maritime or port authority would provide specific operational details.

This overview should provide a foundational understanding of Awashima Marine Port. For detailed navigation, regulations, and operational specifics, consult local maritime authorities and navigational publications.

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