• Latitude: -1.28246
  • Longitude: 8.78554
  • West Africa
  • Offshore Terminal in Gabon

Location: Gabon

Offshore Terminal BALISTE in Gabon


The Baliste Offshore Terminal is located in Gabon, a country situated along the west coast of Central Africa. This terminal plays a significant role in the oil and gas industry, primarily focusing on the export of crude oil. Gabon is one of Africa’s major oil producers, and the Baliste terminal contributes significantly to the nation's economy by facilitating the export of this vital resource.


  1. Location:

    • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately around the maritime zone in Gabon's territorial waters.
    • Proximity: Near key oil fields and infrastructure for efficient integration into the supply chain.
  2. Facilities and Infrastructure:

    • Export Loading Facilities: Equipped with Single Point Mooring (SPM) or Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM) systems to accommodate large crude oil tankers.
    • Storage: Offshore storage facilities, possibly including Floating Storage and Offloading units (FSO) to manage and store crude oil before export.
    • Pipelines: Network of subsea pipelines connecting offshore oil fields to the terminal for continuous flow of crude oil.
  3. Capacity:

    • Oil Throughput: Designed to handle significant volumes of crude oil annually, with throughput capacities often reaching several hundred thousand barrels per day depending on infrastructure and demand.
    • Tanker Types: Capable of servicing various sizes of oil tankers, including Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs).
  4. Operational Aspects:

    • Loading Rates: High-efficiency loading rates ensuring rapid turnaround of tankers.
    • Security: Adherence to stringent international security and environmental standards, including ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) Code compliance.
    • Environmental Measures: Implementation of best practices for oil spill prevention and response, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
  5. Support Services:

    • Logistics and Supply Chain: Support infrastructure including supply vessels, tugs, and maintenance units.
    • Personnel: Accommodation and support for on-site operational staff, possibly in the form of offshore living quarters or rotation systems.
  6. Regulatory Compliance:

    • International Standards: Compliance with international maritime and environmental standards, including MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships).
    • National Regulations: Adherence to Gabonese laws and regulations governing offshore oil operations.
  7. Economic Importance:

    • Revenue Generation: Major contributor to Gabon’s national revenue through the export of crude oil.
    • Employment: Potential source of employment for local communities in both direct and ancillary roles related to terminal operations.

The Baliste Offshore Terminal is a pivotal asset for Gabon, ensuring the country's oil output reaches international markets efficiently and safely. Through continuous improvements and adherence to global standards, it remains a cornerstone of Gabon's energy sector.

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