• Latitude: 17.589
  • Longitude: -61.7949
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Port in Antigua & Barbuda

Address: Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda

Barbuda Port Information:

General Overview:

  • Port Name: Barbuda
  • Location: Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda
  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 17.6221° N latitude, -61.8175° W longitude
  • Primary Function: The port primarily serves the island of Barbuda, supporting local fishing, transportation, and some limited tourism activities.

Navigational Aspects:

  • Navigational Charts: Available through national and regional hydrographic offices.
  • Water Depth: Varies by specific wharf/location; generally suitable for smaller vessels. Larger vessels and deeper drafts may need to anchor offshore.
  • Tides: The region experiences semidiurnal tides (two high tides and two low tides per day).
  • Pilotage: Generally not available; mariners should be experienced with local conditions or seek local advice.


  • Berths/Piers: Limited number of berths suitable for small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Anchorage: Safe anchorage areas are available offshore, though mariners should be cautious of coral reefs and other undersea hazards.
  • Facilities: Basic facilities for cargo handling; however, infrastructure and services are limited compared to larger ports.
  • Repair Services: Minimal, major repairs would need to be handled in larger ports like St. John's, Antigua.
  • Fuel and Provisions: Limited; vessels requiring significant resupply should plan accordingly.

Port Services:

  • Customs and Immigration: Available but hours may be limited; advisable to check in advance.
  • Security: Basic security measures; however, the port is relatively safe due to the lower volume of traffic and close-knit community.
  • Communications: VHF radio for maritime communications; limited internet and telecommunication services available.


  • Cargo Handling: Mainly manual and limited mechanized cargo handling facilities.
  • Storage: Minimal warehousing available; primarily open storage.
  • Transportation Links: Limited road infrastructure; most of the internal transportation is via smaller vehicles and local service providers.

Environmental and Safety:

  • Weather: The island lies within the hurricane belt; mariners should be aware of seasonal weather patterns, especially during the Atlantic hurricane season (June to November).
  • Environmental Precautions: Conservation areas and marine reserves are nearby; extra care should be taken to avoid causing environmental disruptions.
  • Emergency Services: Limited emergency response capabilities; nearest comprehensive medical facilities are located on Antigua.

Economic Activity:

  • Primary Activities: Fishing, tourism, local trade.
  • Tourism: Underdeveloped compared to Antigua; however, Barbuda has pristine beaches and unique attractions like the Frigate Bird Sanctuary, which attract tourists.

Regional Connectivity:

Barbuda’s port serves as a crucial connectivity point for the local community, enabling movement of people and goods between Barbuda and Antigua as well as other neighboring islands.

Notable Considerations:

Due to its limited facilities and infrastructure, the port of Barbuda is more suitable for local and smaller-scale operations. Larger and commercial vessels might find better services and amenities in the port of St. John's, Antigua.

Important Note: For the most current and detailed information, mariners should consult updated nautical charts and approach guidelines, as well as verify conditions directly with local authorities or port management.

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