• Latitude: -11.0613
  • Longitude: 126.644
  • Indonesia
  • Offshore Terminal in Australia

Address: Australia

The Bayu-Undan offshore terminal is an essential part of the Bayu-Undan gas and condensate field, primarily located in the Timor Sea. This field has been developed in phases and serves as a crucial energy resource for both Australia and Timor-Leste. Below is a description and specification of the Bayu-Undan offshore terminal:


  • Location:

    • The Bayu-Undan field is situated in the Timor Sea, approximately 500 kilometers northwest of Darwin, Australia, and about 250 kilometers south of Timor-Leste.
  • Operator:

    • The field is operated by ConocoPhillips, with several other stakeholders involved in the development and operations.
  • Production:

    • The Bayu-Undan field initially started production in 2004, mainly extracting gas and condensate.
  • Export:

    • Natural gas from Bayu-Undan is processed offshore and then transported via pipeline to Darwin, Australia, where it is further processed into liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Darwin LNG facility.


  • Platforms:

    • The project includes offshore platforms such as wellhead platforms and a central processing and compression platform.
    • The platforms are connected by subsea pipelines and infrastructure.
  • Pipeline System:

    • The gas is transported via a 500-kilometer-long pipeline from the Bayu-Undan field to the onshore Darwin LNG plant.
  • Production Capacity:

    • The initial production capacity included the extraction of around 1 billion cubic feet of gas per day.
  • Storage and Loading:

    • Condensate storage and loading facilities are integrated into the offshore platforms, enabling tanker loading for export.
  • Water Depth:

    • The Bayu-Undan facilities operate in water depths ranging between 80 to 90 meters.
  • Reservoirs:

    • The field comprises multiple gas and condensate reservoirs with complex geology that required advanced drilling and production techniques.
  • Depletion Plan:

    • The field is planned to be decommissioned after its economic life, but there are also discussions about potential new phases or repurposing parts of the infrastructure.

Environmental and Safety Standards:

  • The Bayu-Undan operation adheres to stringent environmental and safety regulations, set forth by both Australian authorities and international standards, to minimize environmental impact and ensure worker safety.

Future Developments:

  • There are plans for the utilization of the Bayu-Undan infrastructure for other potential projects, including carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Overall, the Bayu-Undan offshore terminal is a sophisticated and crucial element of the regional energy infrastructure that contributes significantly to the energy market while adhering to high operational and environmental standards.

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