• Latitude: 34.7177
  • Longitude: -76.6693
  • US East Coast
  • Port in US

Address: Beaufort NC 28516 US


Port Description and Specifications: Beaufort, US


  • City: Beaufort
  • State: North Carolina / South Carolina (Note: Beaufort is a name shared by cities in both North Carolina and South Carolina, possibly referring to Beaufort, NC on the Crystal Coast, or Beaufort, SC along the Beaufort River and Port Royal Sound)
  • Coordinates:
    • Beaufort, NC: 34.7202° N, 76.6520° W
    • Beaufort, SC: 32.4316° N, 80.6698° W


  • Both Beaufort locations serve their respective regions with docking facilities, serving commercial, recreational, and fishing activities.
  • They are known for their picturesque waterfronts, historic sites, and tourism.

Beaufort, North Carolina (Beaufort Inlet):

  • Harbor Type: Natural harbor with enhanced channels.
  • Access: Approachable via Beaufort Inlet, which connects to the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW).
  • Main Uses: Commercial fishing, recreational boating, tourism, research activities (home to the Duke University Marine Lab).

Beaufort, South Carolina (Port Royal Sound):

  • Harbor Type: Natural harbor.
  • Access: Navigable via Port Royal Sound which is connected to the Atlantic Ocean; close to the Intracoastal Waterway.
  • Main Uses: Primarily recreational boating, historic tourism, and local commerce.

Facilities and Services:

  • Marinas: Both locations offer several marina services with facilities for transient boaters and long-term dockage, including fuel, repairs, and storage.
  • Cargo Handling: Limited cargo handling, primarily accommodates smaller vessels. Not designed for large-scale industrial shipping.
  • Depth:
    • Channels: Typically dredged to accommodate vessels; specifics can vary but ensure safe passage for medium-sized boats.
  • Navigation Aids: Markers, buoys, and lights to guide mariners safely into and through harbor areas.

Environmental Conditions:

  • Tides: Both ports experience semi-diurnal tides (two high tides and two low tides per day).
  • Weather: Subject to Atlantic storm patterns, including hurricanes. Local weather services provide regular updates.

Custom and Border Protection:

  • While primarily catering to domestic maritime activities, arrangements can be made for customs services for international entries in cooperation with regional CBP offices.

Economic Impact:

  • Both Beauforts are essential for local economies, primarily supporting tourism, which includes fishing charters, boat tours, and waterfront businesses.
  • Historical preservation and local culture attract significant visitor numbers annually.

Additional Considerations:

  • Beaufort, North Carolina: Renowned for its proximity to the Outer Banks and rich maritime history.
  • Beaufort, South Carolina: Celebrated for its well-preserved antebellum architecture and vibrant arts scene.

Important Contacts:

  • Harbormaster Offices:
    • Beaufort, NC: Typically located in central marina areas; contact local municipality.
    • Beaufort, SC: Information available through the City of Beaufort’s Maritime Services.
  • Local Authorities: Coast Guard stations are accessible for both locations.


Mariners and visitors should always check the latest navigational charts and local marine broadcasts for real-time data and updates on port conditions and services. Depending on interest (commercial vs. recreational), additional details and facilities might substantially vary.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
KNOT SHORE Sailing 8/30/2024
NEVER SAY NEVER Pleasure 8/30/2024
14 TO SMILE Pleasure CHARLESTON,SC 8/30/2024
VIXEN Pleasure 8/30/2024
MARANATHA Sailing 8/30/2024

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