• Latitude: 9.94822
  • Longitude: -61.5696
  • North Coast South America
  • Port in Venezuela

Address: Venezuela

Marine Port: Boca Grande, Venezuela


Boca Grande is a significant maritime port located in Venezuela, primarily serving the oil export sector. It is strategically positioned along the Orinoco River and is critical for the transportation of petroleum products, given Venezuela's prominence in global oil production and exportation.

Specifications and Details:


  • Country: Venezuela
  • Region: Orinoco River Delta
  • Latitude: Approximately 9.73° N
  • Longitude: Approximately -62.32° W

Port Type:

  • Type: Riverine port (Inland port on the Orinoco River)
  • Primary Use: Oil export terminal


  • Berths/Docks: Multiple berths capable of accommodating tankers of various sizes.

  • Depth:

    • Channel Depth: Varies, but typically deep enough for large crude carriers (up to 70 feet/21 meters).
    • Cargo Pier Depth: Typically accommodating large tankers.
  • Capacity:

    • Handles significant volume of oil cargo, mostly crude oil and related products.
    • Storage facilities for both crude and refined products, including large storage tanks.


  • Loading/Unloading Equipment: Modern equipment for efficient oil transfer, including high-capacity pumps and pipelines.
  • Storage: Extensive tank farms for storage of oil.
  • Support Services:
    • Tugboats
    • Pilotage
    • Bunkering services
    • Pollution control and response equipment


  • The port is situated in a vital routing area along the Orinoco River, which requires careful navigation due to varying channel depths and river currents.


  • Rail and Road Access: Limited due to the port's riverine nature.
  • Pipeline Transport: Integration with extensive pipeline networks connecting to Venezuelan oil fields.


  • Enhanced security measures owing to the valuable nature of cargo (oil).
  • Maritime security patrols are common.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Strict adherence to national and international environmental regulations.
  • Infrastructure in place to mitigate oil spills and ensure rapid response to any incidents.

Economic Importance:

  • Essential for Venezuela’s economy as a key export point for one of the country's main commodities.
  • Supports the national and regional economy by facilitating the global trade of Venezuelan oil.


Boca Grande is a pivotal port in Venezuela’s vast oil export network, playing a crucial role in the country’s economy. It features modern facilities equipped to handle large volumes of oil, sustained by an efficient logistical and support system. The port’s strategic location on the Orinoco River makes it an important node in the oil supply chain, serving both national and international markets.

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