• Latitude: 51.9731
  • Longitude: 9.5145
  • Inland, Europe
  • Port in Germany

Address: Bodenwerder Lower Saxony 37619 Germany

Bodenwerder is a town located in the Holzminden district in Lower Saxony, Germany. However, it is not widely recognized as a major marine port. It lies along the Weser River and is perhaps best known as the birthplace of the famous storyteller Baron Munchausen.

Given its inland location and prominence as a small town rather than a significant commercial hub, the term "marine port" might not fully apply to Bodenwerder. Instead, the town might have docking facilities or river ports rather than large-scale marine port infrastructure. Here’s a high-level overview of what you might expect from such a facility:


  • Town: Bodenwerder
  • District: Holzminden
  • State: Lower Saxony, Germany
  • Coordinates: Approximately 51.9761° N latitude, 9.5147° E longitude
  • River: Weser River


  1. Type: Likely a small river port or docking facility rather than a full-scale marine port.
  2. Primary Use:
    • Recreational boating
    • Small-scale commercial activities
    • Tourism-related endeavors
  3. Berthing Facilities: Limited, suitable for smaller vessels.
  4. Loading/Unloading Facilities: Basic, likely used for small quantities of goods.
  5. Depth of Water: Generally suitable for smaller vessels; specifics would depend on local conditions and river stage.
  6. Utilities: Basic utilities such as water and electricity might be available at docking points.
  7. Traffic: Primarily local or regional traffic, including recreational and possibly small transport vessels.

Nearby Amenities:

  • Tourist Attractions: The town is a significant historical site related to Baron Munchausen.
  • Transportation Links: Road connections to nearby towns and cities; limited rail access.
  • Accommodations: Local hotels, guesthouses, and possibly camping facilities.


  • Scale: Not suited for large cargo ships or high volumes of commercial traffic.
  • Infrastructure: Limited compared to larger marine ports.


  • Recreational Boating: Likely a popular spot for local boaters.
  • Tourism: A draw for visitors interested in the cultural history of the area.
  • Local Commerce: Possibly some small-scale fishing or transport of goods along the river.

In summary, while Bodenwerder does have docking facilities along the Weser River, it functions more as a small-scale, local river port rather than a significant marine port. The facilities are likely designed to support local tourism, recreation, and minimal commercial activities rather than large-scale shipping and logistics.

For more detailed and specific information, consulting local resources or the town’s administrative offices would be advisable.

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