• Latitude: 69.9415
  • Longitude: 22.0346
  • Norwegian Coast
  • Port in Norway

Address: Burfjord Troms og Finnmark 9161 Norway

Burfjord is a small village situated in the Kvænangen Municipality in Troms og Finnmark county, Northern Norway. Though it is not renowned for being a major port, Burfjord does have facilities for small-scale marine and coastal activities. Here are the general specifications and descriptions for any small-scale port or docking facilities you might find in Burfjord:

Geographic Location

  • Latitude: Approximately 69.9625° N
  • Longitude: Approximately 22.0611° E

Natural Attributes

  • Water Body: Burfjord is located at the head of the Burfjord fjord, a branch off of the larger Kvænangen fjord.
  • Topography: Surrounded by mountainous terrain typical of the region, providing scenic views and presenting natural shelter for docking areas.

Climate Conditions

  • Weather: Cold maritime climate with significant precipitation throughout the year. Snowy winters and cool summers.
  • Ice Conditions: Potential for ice formation during winter months, requiring seasonal navigation considerations.

Port and Facilities

  • Port-Type: Likely a small-scale, local docking area rather than a full-fledged commercial port.
  • Berthing: Limited berthing space, accommodating primarily fishing vessels, smaller boats, and local maritime traffic.
  • Anchorage: Natural anchorage within the fjord, providing some level of protection from the weather.
  • Navigation: Navigational aids would include basic markers and potentially small lighthouses or beacons, assuming the scale of operations is fairly minimal.


  • Cargo Handling: Limited, if any, facilities for large-scale cargo. Likely focused on fishing industry and local logistics.
  • Fueling: Basic fueling services would be expected, consistent with small village ports catering to fishing and local boats.
  • Maintenance: Minor repair and maintenance facilities or services, possibly reliant on nearby larger towns for more extensive needs.
  • Provisions: Basic provisioning for food and supplies, suitable for local needs.


  • Road Connections: Connected by road to surrounding villages and the main highway routes in the region. Norwegian National Road 854 serves the village.
  • Local Transport: Limited public transport, with facilities serving mainly local communities.

Economy and Usage

  • Primary Users: Fishermen, local transport operators, and recreational sailors.
  • Commercial Activity: Predominantly small-scale and locally oriented, reflecting the village's size and infrastructure.

Environmental Considerations

  • Conservation: Likely adherence to Norway's stringent environmental regulations, especially considering the pristine natural environment typical of the region.
  • Sustainability: Any expansion or development would be under significant environmental scrutiny given the country's focus on sustainable development.

Note: As Burfjord is not a significant port in Norway, much of the marine activity is likely minimal and supports local rather than international operations. The features and services described are reflective of typical Norwegian village-level marine facilities rather than a developed commercial port.

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