• Latitude: 56.0548
  • Longitude: 21.0306
  • Baltic Sea
  • Port in Lithuania

Address: Butinge LT-KL Lithuania

Sure, here is a detailed description and some specifications about the Marine Port of Būtingė, Lithuania.


The Būtingė Terminal is a major crude oil transshipment facility situated near the village of Būtingė, around 12 kilometers north of the resort town of Palanga in Lithuania. The terminal plays a significant role in the import and export of petroleum products in the Baltic Sea region.


  1. Location:

    • Latitude/Longitude: Approximately 56°01' N / 21°05' E
    • Region: Located on the Baltic coastline, near the northern border with Latvia.
  2. Infrastructure:

    • Single Point Mooring (SPM): The terminal features a Single Point Mooring system, which enables secure and efficient loading and offloading of crude oil between tankers and shore facilities.
    • Pipeline System: Connected through an undersea pipeline running to an onshore storage facility.
    • Storage Capacity: The onshore tank farm has a significant storage capacity to manage the reception, storage, and distribution of crude oil.
  3. Operational Depth:

    • Channel Depth: Deep enough to accommodate a variety of tanker sizes including Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs).
    • Berth Depth: Typically ranging from 20 to 23 meters depending on the location and tide conditions.
  4. Tanker Specifications:

    • Vessel Size: Accepts vessels up to around 300,000 DWT (Deadweight Tonnage).
    • Navigational Aids: The port is equipped with modern navigational systems and aids to ensure safe entry and berthing of tankers.
  5. Cargo Handling:

    • Primary Cargo: Crude oil.
    • Flow Rate: Designed for high-efficiency transfer rates with infrastructure to pump out/in substantial volumes of crude oil.
  6. Environmental and Safety Measures:

    • Emergency Response: Equipped with contingency plans and emergency response equipment to handle oil spills and other incidents.
    • Environmental Protection: Follows strict international and local regulations to minimize environmental impact, including regular monitoring and maintenance.
  7. Accessibility:

    • Road Access: Accessible via major highways connecting to key cities in Lithuania and neighboring countries.
    • Railway Access: Well-connected with rail services for further distribution of crude oil within the Baltic region.
  8. Ownership and Management:

    • Owned and Operated By: Managed as part of the larger oil infrastructure in Lithuania typically under the umbrella of the national oil company or affiliated enterprises.

Additional Information

  • Operational Since: The Būtingė terminal was officially opened in 1999 and has since become a crucial component of Lithuania's energy infrastructure.
  • Strategic Importance: Provides Lithuania with an alternative route for energy imports and exports, reducing dependency on overland routes.

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority: Contact details of the Port Management Authority for Būtingė are usually available through official Lithuanian port directories or energy sector contacts.

This port plays a vital role in the regional geopolitics of energy, providing an essential link in the supply chain for crude oil between global markets and the Baltic States.

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