• Latitude: 54.9676
  • Longitude: -5.02149
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in UK

Address: Cairnryan Dumfries and Galloway DG9 8RF UK

Phone number: +44 1776 704 300


Marine Port Description and Specifications: Cairnryan, UK

Location: Cairnryan is a small village situated in the southwest of Scotland within Dumfries and Galloway. It lies on the eastern shore of Loch Ryan and is roughly positioned at coordinates 54.9756° N latitude and 5.0169° W longitude.

Port Facilities and Infrastructure:

  1. Ferry Terminals:

    • Cairnryan Port: Operated by P&O Ferries, offering routes primarily to Larne in Northern Ireland.
    • Loch Ryan Port: Operated by Stena Line, offering routes to Belfast.
  2. Berths and Quays:

    • The port includes multiple ferry berths, allowing for efficient loading and unloading of passenger and vehicle ferries.
    • Both terminals are equipped to handle Roll-on/Roll-off (Ro-Ro) cargo, primarily vehicles and freight.
  3. Passenger Services:

    • Terminals are equipped with passenger lounges, ticket offices, and other essential services such as cafes and restrooms.
    • Customs and Border Patrol services for passengers and vehicles are available, providing necessary immigration and customs clearance for international travel.
  4. Freight Services:

    • Facilities support a high volume of freight transport, particularly trucks and trailers.
    • Modern freight handling equipment ensures rapid and efficient cargo processing.
  5. Access and Transportation Links:

    • The port is well-connected by road, with the A77 providing direct access to the Scottish road network, including routes to Glasgow and beyond.
    • Freight and passenger services benefit from smooth onward connections to the UK's highway infrastructure.

Operational Aspects:

  1. Operating Hours:

    • Cairnryan port operates 24/7 to facilitate the frequent ferry departures and arrivals.
  2. Tidal Information:

    • Loch Ryan is a sheltered inlet with relatively predictable tidal conditions, making it suitable for frequent ferry operations.
  3. Weather Conditions:

    • The port is subject to the typical maritime climate of southwest Scotland that can include strong winds and rain, particularly in winter.

Navigation and Maritime Safety:

  1. Navigation Aids:

    • The port is equipped with modern communication and navigation aids, including radar and VHF radio contacts for ensuring safe entry and departure of vessels.
  2. Harbour Master:

    • A Harbour Master oversees port operations, ensuring compliance with maritime regulations and safety protocols.
  3. Pilotage:

    • Pilotage services are available for vessels as required to assist with safe navigation through Loch Ryan and into port berths.
  4. Emergency Services:

    • Comprehensive emergency response services are in place, including marine rescue, fire-fighting capabilities, and first aid/emergency medical services.

Environmental Considerations:

  1. Environmental Policies:

    • The port adheres to strict environmental regulations to minimize pollution and protect the local marine and coastal environments.
  2. Waste Management:

    • Proper waste disposal and recycling facilities are available to manage both ship and shore-based waste efficiently.
  3. Sustainability:

    • Ongoing initiatives aim to reduce carbon footprint, including measures to enhance energy efficiency and promote sustainable practices among port users.

Port Development:

  1. Future Plans:

    • Plans for further modernization and potential expansion of facilities to accommodate increasing passenger and freight traffic.
  2. Community Involvement:

    • Ongoing engagement with local communities and stakeholders to ensure port development aligns with regional economic and environmental goals.

Cairnryan port is a critical maritime gateway between Scotland and Northern Ireland, providing essential transport links for both passengers and freight, contributing significantly to regional connectivity and commerce.

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