• Latitude: -46.4732
  • Longitude: -67.498
  • East Coast South America
  • Port in Argentina

Address: Comodoro Rivadavia Chubut Argentina

Marine Port Description and Specification: Caleta Paula, Argentina

General Information

  • Location: Caleta Paula is situated on the southeastern coast of Argentina, in the province of Santa Cruz. It lies in the proximity of the city of Comodoro Rivadavia and typically serves as a key logistical node for maritime activities in this region.


  • Latitude: Approximately 47°45′S
  • Longitude: Approximately 65°54′W

Port Infrastructure

  • Types of Berths: The port features multiple berths, primarily catering to fishing vessels, cargo ships, and supply vessels.
  • Depth: The water depth at berths generally ranges between 8 to 12 meters, accommodating small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Storage: Includes on-site storage facilities such as warehouses and open storage areas for temporary storage of goods.
  • Fueling: Bunkering facilities are available to provide fuel for vessels.
  • Refrigeration: Cold storage facilities are available to handle refrigerated cargo, essential for the fishing industry.
  • Repair: Basic ship repair and maintenance services are provided, with the presence of repair yards.

Navigational Information

  • Access Channel: There is a well-marked access channel leading to the port, maintained to a depth that allows the passage of small to medium-sized commercial ships.
  • Pilotage: Pilotage may be mandatory for vessels navigating into and out of the port, with pilots available locally.
  • Tide: The tidal range is moderate; detailed tidal charts should be consulted to optimize docking and undocking procedures.

Operational Details

  • Port Authority: The port is managed by local port authorities who oversee operations, safety, and compliance with national and international regulations.
  • Operating Hours: Typically operates on a 24/7 basis, though specific services might have limited hours.

Cargo and Trade

  • Primary Cargo: Includes fishery products, petroleum products, and general cargo.
  • Secondary Cargo: Occasional bulk cargoes and specialized shipments that align with regional economic activities.


  • Land Transportation: Well-connected via road networks to nearby cities and industrial hubs.
  • Airports: Closest major airport is the General Enrique Mosconi International Airport in Comodoro Rivadavia, which is approximately a couple of hours' drive away.

Environmental and Safety

  • Environmental Initiatives: The port adheres to environmental regulations aimed at minimizing pollution and maintaining marine biodiversity.
  • Safety Measures: Equipped with standard safety features such as firefighting systems, emergency response teams, and regular safety drills.

Future Developments

  • Expansion Plans: Plans might be in place for future expansions or upgrades to accommodate larger vessels, increased traffic, and advanced facilities, reflecting the growth in maritime trade and regional economic activities.

This brief overview encapsulates the primary features and specifications of the Caleta Paula port in Argentina. For detailed and up-to-date information, consulting the port authority or official maritime guides is recommended.

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