• Latitude: 43.75
  • Longitude: -66.1167
  • East Coast Canada
  • Port in Canada

Address: Chebogue Point Nova Scotia Canada

Chebogue Point is located in Nova Scotia, Canada, approximately 12 kilometers southwest of the Town of Yarmouth. It is part of the province's Southwest Nova Scotia region, which is known for its scenic landscapes and historic maritime connections. However, Chebogue Point itself is not a major commercial port but rather a coastal area with various small marine activities and community engagements. Here is a general description and specification based on the available information:

Chebogue Point Overview:

  • Location: Chebogue Point, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Coordinates: Approximately 43.7390° N latitude and -66.1956° W longitude

Marine Activities:

  1. Fishing: The area is traditionally known for its fishing activities, particularly lobster fishing. Local fishermen operate small fishing vessels.
  2. Recreational Boating: The waters around Chebogue Point are used for various recreational boating activities.
  3. Local Maritime Industry: There might be small-scale maritime industry activities related to the local communities.

Port Specifications:

  • Type: Coastal area, not a major commercial port
  • Harbor Facilities: Limited or non-existent; there might be a few docking areas or small piers used by local fishermen and recreational boaters.
  • Navigational Aids: Basic aids to navigation may be present, such as buoys and markers, to help local vessels.
  • Depth: The water depth may vary significantly and is more suited for smaller vessels rather than large commercial ships.
  • Tides: Tidal ranges in the region can be significant, and mariners need to be aware of local tidal patterns.
  • Services: Minimal port services; likely no large-scale fueling, repair, or cargo handling facilities.
  • Accessibility: Primarily accessible to small boats and local vessels; larger ships would likely use the nearby port facilities at Yarmouth, which can accommodate more significant maritime traffic.

Nearby Port - Yarmouth:

For more comprehensive port services, nearby Yarmouth offers the following:

  • Deep-water Port
  • Commercial Shipping Facilities
  • Passenger Ferry Services (e.g., services to Maine, USA)
  • Cargo Handling
  • Marine Repair Services

Environmental and Safety Considerations:

  • Weather Conditions: Mariners need to be cautious of local weather conditions, which can include fog, strong winds, and storms. Regular weather updates are advisable.
  • Environmental Sensitivity: As with many coastal areas, there are likely environmental protections in place to preserve marine and coastal habitats.

In conclusion, Chebogue Point serves primarily local and recreational maritime activities. Those requiring more extensive port facilities and services would rely on the nearby Port of Yarmouth. For official and specific port information, mariners should reference local navigational charts and consult with local port authorities or maritime agencies.

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