• Latitude: 37.0665
  • Longitude: 7.385
  • West Mediterranean
  • Port in Algeria

Address: CHETAIBI 23130 Algeria

Chetaïbi is a small coastal town in Algeria, located in the Annaba Province along the Mediterranean Sea. The Chetaïbi marine port is an important site for fishing activities and contributes to local commerce and transportation. Below are some key details and specifications regarding the Chetaïbi marine port:


  • Country: Algeria
  • Province: Annaba
  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 37.0785° N latitude, 7.3855° E longitude

Port Description:

  • Type of Port: Primarily a fishing and small commercial port
  • Accessibility: The port has basic infrastructure supporting local and regional fishing operations.
  • Harbor Type: The harbor is naturally sheltered due to its location within a bay, offering some protection against rough sea conditions.

Port Infrastructure:

  • Quay Length: The quay length and facilities are modest compared to larger commercial ports.
  • Water Depth: The depth at the berth may vary, generally capable of accommodating smaller vessels typical of fishing fleets and smaller commercial boats.
  • Facilities: Basic facilities to support fishing operations, including berthing, fish processing, and storage units.


  • Primary Activities: Fishing, small-scale commercial shipping, and local maritime activities.
  • Cargo Types: Mainly seafood, along with some goods for local consumption.
  • Handling Facilities: There are limited cargo handling facilities focused on the needs of the fishing industry, including cold storage and fish processing areas.


  • Navigation Aids: Basic navigation aids to assist in safe arrival and departure of vessels.
  • Pilotage: Usually not required for such a small port but may be available on request.
  • Tug Services: Limited or no tug services; typically not necessary for the type of vessels handled.

Additional Information:

  • Economic Importance: The port supports the local economy primarily through fishing, which is a significant livelihood for the residents.
  • Development Status: As a smaller port, Chetaïbi may not have the advanced infrastructure of larger Algerian ports like Algiers or Annaba but serves its intended purpose effectively.
  • Environmental Considerations: Possible engagement in sustainable fishing practices to ensure long-term viability of marine resources.


  • Roads: Connected by local roads to the nearby towns and the main urban center of Annaba.
  • Public Transport: Limited to regional connections; most access is via private or commercial transport.

In summary, the Chetaïbi marine port is a modest but essential facility supporting local fishing activities and small-scale commercial trade, contributing crucially to the regional economy and livelihoods.

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