• Latitude: 37.2828
  • Longitude: -6.04917
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Spain

Address: Spain

Phone number: +34-000-000-000


Coria del Río is a municipality located in the province of Seville, Andalusia, Spain, and it is situated along the Guadalquivir River. While it is not a major maritime port, the town is known for its historical and cultural significance, particularly in the context of river navigation and trade. Here's an overview that might suit your needs:

Marine Port Description and Specification: Coria del Río, Spain


  • Geographic Coordinates: Approximately 37.2833° N latitude and 6.0333° W longitude.
  • Situated: On the banks of the Guadalquivir River, roughly 18 kilometers downstream from the city of Seville.

Historical Significance:

  • Historically served as an important stop for river navigation on the Guadalquivir River.
  • Known for interactions with the Japanese Hasekura Tsunenaga’s mission in the early 17th century, which led to a small community of descendants known as "los Japones" in the town.

Port Specifications:

  • Type: Inland river port.
  • Primary Functions: Local fishing, small cargo, and tourism activities.
  • Depth: The depth of the Guadalquivir River around Coria del Río is variable but generally suitable for small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Berthing Facilities: Limited facilities mainly for local boats and small rivercraft.


  • Accessibility: Accessible by road from Seville and other surrounding areas. Limited rail connectivity.
  • Facilities: Basic amenities for boat mooring and maintenance. No extensive cargo handling or warehousing facilities.
  • Navigation: Navigable portions of the Guadalquivir River enable small vessel traffic.

Economic Activity:

  • Primarily focused on local trade, fishing, and tourism.
  • Economic activities include fish farming, small-scale commerce, and cultural tourism.

Tourism and Culture:

  • Known for its scenic riverside and cultural heritage.
  • Hosts traditional events and has a vibrant local community with a mix of Andalusian and historical Japanese lineage.

Given the relatively smaller scale of the Coria del Río port, it is not comparable to major commercial seaports but serves a vital role in local and cultural activities, especially in relation to riverine commerce and tourism.

Note: For shipping and larger commercial maritime operations, facilities in Seville or the Port of Cádiz, which are relatively nearby, would be more appropriate.

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