• Latitude: 18.1879
  • Longitude: -63.0572
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Port in Anguilla

Address: Anguilla

Here is some detailed information and specifications for Corito Bay in Anguilla, considering the latest available data up to 2023:


Corito Bay, located on the southern coast of Anguilla, plays a critical role in the island's maritime activities. It is one of the key ports of entry for goods and materials, especially building supplies and fuel.


  1. Location & Coordinates:

    • Latitude: Approximately 18.1783° N
    • Longitude: Approximately -63.0771° W
    • Country: Anguilla
  2. Port Facilities:

    • Type: Small coastal bay with port facilities primarily for cargo.
    • Berthing Facilities: Limited quay space mainly used for medium-sized cargo vessels and smaller boats.
    • Depth: Varies, with most sections shallow but navigable for smaller vessels and tugs.
    • Cargo Handling: Basic facilities for loading/unloading cargo. No large-scale container handling equipment. Most cargo operations involve manual or small mechanical means.
  3. Navigational Information:

    • Approaching Vessels: Smaller vessels or those with shallow drafts usually access the bay. Larger ships may face restrictions.
    • Navigation Aids: Basic aids such as navigational buoys and markers; no advanced electronic aids like radar or AIS are guaranteed.
    • Tidal Information: Corito Bay experiences typical tidal variations with minimal extreme changes.
  4. Utilities and Services:

    • Fuel: There are provisions for fuel storage and distribution, vital for the island's fuel supply.
    • Water Supply: Limited facilities might be available.
    • Emergency Services: Minimal emergency response facilities; larger incidents might require assistance from other parts of the island or nearby territories.
    • Customs and Immigration: Available, as this is a point of entry, but facilities are relatively small and may be less formal than in larger ports.
  5. Operational Considerations:

    • Pilotage: Typically, local pilots are used given the shallow and potentially tricky approaches.
    • Security: Basic security measures in place; however, due attention to safety and security protocols is essential.
    • Working Hours: Generally aligned with standard working hours, with potential for adjustments based on cargo type and necessity.
    • Environmental Concerns: As with many Caribbean ports, there are stringent regulations to prevent marine pollution and protect local ecosystems.
  6. Nearby Infrastructure:

    • Road Access: Basic roads connect the port to the rest of the island; not designed for heavy, high-volume traffic.
    • Support Services: Limited; mostly basic services such as food, modest lodging, transport options.


Corito Bay represents a crucial logistical hub for Anguilla, although it operates on a comparatively smaller scale with basic facilities tailored to meet the island’s requirements. Mariners and stakeholders involved in port activities are encouraged to coordinate closely with local authorities to ensure smooth operations and compliance with all local regulations. Given its role in meeting Anguilla's fuel and construction material needs, the bay’s significance, though understated, is of notable economic importance.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
ROSE PG Tanker AI AXA 9/19/2024

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