• Latitude: -29.4505
  • Longitude: -71.3143
  • West South America
  • Port in Chile

Address: Chile

Cruz Grande is a port located in Chile, known for its strategic significance in maritime operations and its role in the export of various commodities. Here’s an overview of its description and specifications:

Port Overview:

  • Name: Cruz Grande Port
  • Location: Northern coast of Chile, within the Coquimbo region.
  • Coordinates: Approximately at latitude -29.404 and longitude -71.260 (specific coordinates may vary slightly depending on the source).

Key Features and Specifications:

Port Infrastructure:

  • Type: Deep-water port.
  • Wharf: Constructed to handle large vessels, including bulk carriers.
  • Berths: Multiple berths designed to accommodate cargo loading and unloading.

Operational Details:

  • Primary Cargo: Typically handles mineral exports, such as iron ore and other bulk commodities.
  • Capacity: Designed to handle large volumes of bulk cargo efficiently.
  • Depth: Deep harbors capable of accommodating large ships; exact depth specifications available in official nautical guides.


  • Loading and Unloading: Advanced equipment for rapid loading and unloading of bulk materials.
  • Storage: Facilities for stockpiling bulk commodities before shipment.
  • Navigation Aids: Equipped with modern navigation aids to ensure safe docking and departure.


  • Road: Well-connected by road to inland mining sites and major highways.
  • Rail: Rail connections to facilitate the transport of minerals from mining regions.

Environmental and Regulatory Compliance:

  • Environmental Controls: Measures in place to manage and minimize environmental impact, including dust suppression and pollution control.
  • Security: Adheres to international standards for port security, including ISPS Code compliance.

Economic Significance:

  • Export Contribution: Plays a crucial role in the export of minerals from Chile, particularly from the northern mining regions.
  • Employment: Provides significant employment opportunities in the region, both directly and indirectly.

Development and Upgrades:

  • Expansion Plans: Periodic upgrades and expansions to enhance capacity and efficiency.
  • Technology Integration: Investment in technology to improve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

Governance and Management:

  • Managed By: Typically managed by a private company or government authority responsible for port operations.
  • Regulatory Body: Oversight by national and regional maritime authorities to ensure compliance with international standards.

User Notes:

  • Pre-arrival Information: Ships destined for Cruz Grande should coordinate with port authorities for berthing assignments and operational schedules.
  • Documentation: Standard maritime documentation and customs requirements apply.

For the most accurate and current details, always refer to official nautical charts, port authority publications, or contact the port administration directly.

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