• Latitude: 10.4702
  • Longitude: -64.1209
  • North Coast South America
  • Port in Venezuela

Address: Cumana Sucre 6101 Venezuela

Cumaná is a significant marine port located in Venezuela, situated on the northeastern coast of the country. Here is a description and some key specifications for Cumaná Port:

General Description

  1. Location:

    • Latitude / Longitude: Approximately 10.4583° N / -64.1820° W.
    • Geography: Located where the Manzanares River meets the Gulf of Cariaco, providing strategic access to the Caribbean Sea.
  2. Significance:

    • Cumaná Port serves as an important gateway for trade in the northeastern region of Venezuela, facilitating imports and exports.
    • Historically rich, the city of Cumaná is one of the oldest continuously inhabited European-established settlements on the South American mainland.
  3. Economic Role:

    • The port plays a crucial role in the local economy, supporting industries such as agriculture, fisheries, and manufacturing.
    • It also serves as a hub for transportation and logistics within the region.

Port Specifications

  1. Harbor Type: River Port

  2. Terminals and Facilities:

    • Cargo Terminals: Facilities for handling general cargo, bulk goods, and containerized cargo.
    • Fishing Terminal: Serves the local fishing industry, providing docking space and processing facilities.
    • Passenger Terminals: Occasionally handles passenger vessels, including ferries and cruise ships during certain times of the year.
  3. Berthing Facilities:

    • Multiple berths with varying lengths and depths to accommodate different types of vessels.
    • Depths around the port can range, but dredging activities are often conducted to maintain navigable channels.
  4. Navigation and Approach:

    • Pilotage: Available and typically compulsory for larger vessels to ensure safe navigation into and out of the port.
    • Tug Services: Tugboats available to assist in maneuvering vessels, especially larger or heavily laden ships.
  5. Loading and Unloading Equipment:

    • Cranes: Mobile and fixed cranes to handle containers and bulk goods.
    • Forklifts and Pallet Jacks: For efficient material handling on the docks.
    • Conveyor Systems: For bulk material movement.
  6. Storage:

    • Warehouses: Covered storage spaces available for protecting cargo from the elements.
    • Open Storage Areas: For larger items and bulk goods that do not require cover.
    • Refrigerated Storage: Facilities for perishable goods.
  7. Customs and Security:

    • On-site customs authorities for the clearance of goods.
    • Security measures in place, including surveillance and patrolling.
  8. Logistics and Transportation:

    • Road Connectivity: Well-connected to the national road network for the distribution of goods inland.
    • Rail Connections: Limited, but road transport compensates efficiently for goods movement.
    • Air Links: Closest major airport is in Cumaná city for ancillary cargo needs and passenger traffic.

Regulatory and Management Bodies

  • Managed and regulated by Venezuelan port authorities, ensuring compliance with national and international maritime standards and practices.
  • Security regulations adhere to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code to maintain high safety standards.

Environmental Considerations

  • Efforts are made to minimize the environmental impact through regular monitoring of water and air quality.
  • Port policies addressing waste management, pollution control, and sustainable practices to mitigate the impact on the local ecosystem.

Challenges and Developments

  • Natural Challenges: Periodic maintenance and dredging are necessary to keep navigable channels clear due to sediment deposition.
  • Modernization Efforts: Ongoing initiatives to upgrade infrastructure, including better cargo handling equipment and improved port facilities to enhance efficiency and capacity.

Cumaná Port plays a pivotal role in Venezuela's maritime activities, contributing significantly to the regional economy and serving as a key hub for trade in the northeastern part of the country.

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