• Latitude: -22.9698
  • Longitude: -44.4359
  • East Coast South America
  • Port in Brazil

Address: Seropédica RJ Brazil

As of the most current data available, detailed descriptions and specifications of specific marine ports like "CUNHAMBEBE" in Brazil are not well-known or commonly referenced in major shipping and international maritime databases. It is important to ensure that such names are correctly spelled and verified through reliable sources such as local port authorities or maritime directories.

To provide you with a comprehensive answer, here are a few steps you can take to gather specific information about any marine port, including CUNHAMBEBE:

  1. Official Port Authorities’ Websites: Typically, port authorities maintain websites that detail the specifications, services, and facilities available at their ports.

  2. Maritime Databases: Trusted maritime databases such as Lloyd's List, MarineTraffic, or the World Port Source can provide insights into various ports around the globe, including Brazil.

  3. Local Contact: Direct communication with local agents, shipping companies, or the Brazilian maritime administration may provide up-to-date and detailed information.

  4. Government Publications: Agencies such as the Brazilian Ministry of Transport, Ports and Civil Aviation publish reports and documents that might list details about ports and terminals throughout the country.

Port descriptions typically include:

  • Location and Coordinates: Latitude and longitude, along with surrounding geographic features.
  • Infrastructure: Breakdown of terminal facilities, including wharfs, docks, storage facilities, cranes, and handling equipment.
  • Draft and Berthing Facilities: Information on the depth of water (draft) to accommodate various sizes of vessels, length and tonnage limits of ships that can berth.
  • Services: Cargo handling services (bulk, container, etc.), bunkering (fueling), pilotage, tug services, and ship repair facilities.
  • Connectivity: Links to road, rail, and internal waterways for onward transportation.
  • Operational Hours: Operating schedule of the port.

Given these general parameters, you can inquire about CUNHAMBEBE or any other specific port by following these guidelines. It will ensure you acquire reliable and accurate data for planning maritime operations or any associated logistic needs.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
DREAM NO MORE Sailing 12:05:55
TAITA Pleasure 9/20/2024
MARS Pleasure 9/7/2024
STELLA M Pleasure 8/23/2024

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