• Latitude: 40.2142
  • Longitude: 24.2214
  • East Mediterranean
  • Port in Greece

Address: Athos Central Macedonia Greece

Certainly! "DAFNI" may refer to a location or an alias within a larger port complex in Greece. If you are referring to a specific marine port, please note that detailed and up-to-date information regarding port specifications can vary. In Greece, major ports are often managed or documented by the Hellenic Ports Association and can include facilities in cities like Piraeus, Thessaloniki, and others.

However, if "DAFNI" is a smaller or lesser-known facility, it may have specific features relevant to its local use. I'll outline general components you might expect in a marine port's description and specification:

General Information

  • Location: Precise geographical coordinates or a description of its placement (nearby city, island, etc.)
  • Management: Responsible authority or organization managing the operations of the port.

Harbor Characteristics

  • Type: Describe whether the port is a commercial, industrial, fishing, recreational, or military port.
  • Size and Capacity: Include information on the size of the port area, the capacity for handling vessels, and storage facilities.
  • Water Depth: Minimum and maximum depth readings for safe navigation and anchorage.


  • Terminals: Number and types of terminals (container, bulk cargo, passenger, etc.)
  • Docking Facilities: Description of docking facilities, such as piers, quays, and jetties, including their dimensions.
  • Cranes and Handling Equipment: Types and specifications of cranes and other cargo handling equipment.
  • Warehouses: Capacity and type of warehousing facilities available.
  • Shipyard Services: Availability of maintenance and repair services.

Navigation Aids

  • Lighthouses: Information about lighthouse locations and their operational status.
  • Buoys and Markers: Details on navigation buoys, markers, and other aids.


  • Pilotage: Information on pilotage services and requirements for incoming vessels.
  • Towage: Availability and specification of tugboat services.
  • Bunkering: Details about fuel supply services for vessels.
  • Waste Management: Provisions for waste disposal and environmental controls.


  • Road and Rail Connections: Connectivity to major roadways or rail links.
  • Air Access: Proximity to airports.

Security and Regulations

  • Port Security: Description of security measures in place.
  • Customs and Immigration: Facilities and procedures for customs clearance and immigration.

Additional Facilities

  • Passenger Amenities: For passenger ports, availability of amenities such as waiting areas, restaurants, and transportation services.
  • Emergency Services: Provisions for medical and fire emergencies within the port.

Economic and Trade Importance

  • Main Commodities: List of principal goods handled by the port.
  • Trade Volumes: Annual volume statistics, if available.

Environmental Impact

  • Conservation Efforts: Steps taken to mitigate environmental impact.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Any ongoing efforts for port sustainability.

For precise and up-to-date data on the DAFNI marine port or any specific port you are interested in within Greece, I recommend consulting official sources such as the Hellenic Ports Association, local port authorities, or navigational guides specific to maritime operations in Greece.

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