• Latitude: 6.96214
  • Longitude: 125.486
  • Philippines
  • Port in Philippines

Address: Davao City Region XI 8000 Philippines

Sure, here are the details for Davao Therma South Marine Port in the Philippines:

Davao Therma South Marine Port


  • Region: Mindanao
  • City: Davao City
  • Barangay: Binugao, Toril District
  • Geographical Coordinates: Latitude 7.0595° N, Longitude 125.4520° E

General Information

Davao Therma South Marine Port is primarily designed to support the Therma South Power Plant operations. The port facilities facilitate the movement of coal and other materials required for power generation.

Port Specifications

Wharf & Berths:
  • Number of Berths: 1 main jetty
  • Length of Berth: Approximately 150 meters.
  • Depth: Approximately 13 meters alongside (can accommodate Panamax vessels)
  • Construction: Reinforced concrete on piles
Cargo Handling:
  • Primary Cargo: Coal
  • Handling Equipment: Conveyor belts, mobile cranes, grab-type unloaders
  • Storage Facility: Designated coal storage area with dust suppression systems
  • Loading/Unloading Rate: Dependent on vessel size and equipment, typical rates around 1,200 - 1,500 tons per hour
Ancillary Services:
  • Pilotage: Compulsory for all inbound and outbound vessels.
  • Towing/Mooring Assistance: Available upon request
  • Bunkering: Limited bunkering facilities for marine fuel oil, may require arrangements
  • Waste Disposal: Services available for waste management and disposal in compliance with environmental regulations.
Environmental and Safety:
  • Environmental Protection: Compliance with national and local environmental regulations, including measures to mitigate coal dust and marine pollution.
  • Safety: Strict safety protocols with regular drills and proper signage, emergency response units in place.
  • Road Access: Well-connected via Davao-Bukidnon Highway
  • Rail Access: Not available
  • Nearest Airport: Francisco Bangoy International Airport, approximately 40 kilometers away

Operational Details

Port Authority:

  • Management: Operated by Aboitiz Power Corporation
  • Contact Information: Specific contact details typically available via Aboitiz Power's official website or local office.

Shipping and Navigation:

  • Vessel Traffic: Coordinated by the Philippine Coast Guard and local harbor master
  • Navigation Aids: Lighthouse, Radar, and AIS (Automatic Identification System) in place
  • Restrictions: Night navigation may be limited based on visibility and safety conditions

Economic and Strategic Significance

  • Economic Role: Integral in supporting the energy requirements of Davao City and surrounding regions, reducing dependence on traditional energy imports.
  • Strategic Role: Enhances regional energy security, promotes industrial growth, and aids in the socio-economic development of Mindanao.

Facilities and Services Overview

  • Dependable cargo handling for coal imports
  • Secure and strategically designed to support Therma South Power Plant
  • Focus on safety, environmental sustainability, and efficient port operations


While primarily serving industrial purposes for power generation, this port is a key asset in the logistics and infrastructure of Southern Mindanao.

For specific operational inquiries, scheduling, and tariffs, it is recommended to get in touch directly with the port administration or visiting the parent company’s (Aboitiz Power) official channels.

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