• Latitude: 52.4186
  • Longitude: 5.21889
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Marina in Netherlands

Address: Netherlands Netherlands


The marine port of De Blocq van Kuffeler is located in the Netherlands. It is primarily known as a maritime infrastructure associated with the region's extensive water management and transport network. Here is an overview of the description and specification for this port:


  1. Location: De Blocq van Kuffeler is situated in the province of Flevoland, which lies in the central part of the Netherlands. The port serves as a crucial point in the Dutch waterway system, supporting both shipping and recreational activities.

  2. Purpose: The port and its associated facilities are integral to the water management system of the area. Flevoland, being a polder reclaimed from the IJsselmeer (a large lake in the Netherlands), relies heavily on its locks, sluices, and ports for controlling water levels, preventing flooding, and facilitating navigation.

  3. Historical Context: The name "De Blocq van Kuffeler" likely derives from prominent figures or historical references related to the Dutch water management and maritime history. The infrastructure here is relatively modern, reflecting the advanced hydraulic engineering for which the Netherlands is renowned.


  1. Infrastructure:

    • Locks and Sluices: These facilities are designed to manage water levels in the polder land and provide safe passage for vessels.
    • Mooring Facilities: Provide spaces for vessels to dock, load, and unload goods.
    • Navigational Aids: Include lights, buoys, and markers to assist in safe navigation through the waterways.
  2. Port Facilities:

    • Cargo Handling: While not a major commercial port, it may provide some facilities for handling smaller cargos or special consignments.
    • Maintenance Facilities: Likely to have repair stations for the upkeep of both commercial and recreational vessels.
  3. Connectivity:

    • Waterways: Connected to the wider network of Dutch waterways, facilitating movement to other regions, including the IJsselmeer and beyond.
    • Road Access: Proximity to major roads and highways in Flevoland, ensuring easy access for logistics and transportation.
  4. Environmental Considerations:

    • Water Quality Control: Measures in place to monitor and manage the quality of water, adhering to environmental regulations.
    • Flood Prevention: Integral part of the flood prevention strategy in the polder regions, utilizing advanced technology in hydraulic engineering.
  5. Capacity:

    • Vessel Accommodation: Primarily designed to accommodate small to medium-sized vessels, including recreational boats and smaller commercial ships.
    • Operational Hours: Typically aligned with standard maritime operation hours in the Netherlands, with adjustments for tidal and weather conditions.


  1. Commercial Use: Limited commercial use focused on specific local industries or special cargo requiring water transport.
  2. Recreational Use: Significant usage by recreational vessels, given the Netherlands' rich culture of boating and water sports.
  3. Water Management: Plays a critical role in the management of water systems, flood prevention, and maintaining ecological balance in reclaimed polder areas.

Notable Features:

  • Innovation in Hydraulic Engineering: Reflects the Dutch expertise in creating and maintaining advanced water management systems.
  • Regional Significance: An important part of Flevoland's infrastructure, contributing to both its economy and safety.

De Blocq van Kuffeler stands as a testament to the Netherlands' ongoing relationship with water management and maritime infrastructure, embodying the nation's commitment to leveraging engineering for harmonious living with natural water bodies.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
IJSBEER Sailing 06:24:59
PEER Pleasure 05:54:51
FJARIL Sailing 05:54:30
BRUIS Sailing 03:55:18
LEYLA Sailing 03:43:38
SPEEDWELL Sailing 01:44:23
KEHAAR Sailing 9/20/2024
SCHUIMJURK Sailing 9/20/2024
SUNTIKI Pleasure 9/20/2024
WHITE PEARL Sailing 9/20/2024
BLAUWE WESTEN Sailing 9/20/2024
S/Y SYNERGIE Pleasure 9/20/2024
RS ROSE baycraft GOUDA 9/20/2024
WHY NOT Sailing 9/20/2024
BOXPLORER Sailing 9/20/2024
NIXIE Sailing 9/20/2024
HORIZON Pleasure 9/20/2024
RAFIKI Sailing 9/20/2024
WILHELMINA MARIA Pleasure 9/20/2024
TZIGANE Pleasure 9/20/2024
LIBERTY Sailing AMSTERDAM 9/20/2024
FAMKE D Sailing 9/20/2024
TRULY FAIR Pleasure 9/20/2024
LA MARIPOSA Sailing 9/20/2024

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