• Latitude: 26.8292
  • Longitude: -82.2683
  • Gulf of Mexico
  • Marina in US

Location: US

It appears there is some ambiguity in your request regarding "Marina Eldred's." To better assist you, I'm interpreting your request in two possible ways:

  1. Marina Location Named Eldred's: If you are inquiring about a specific marina named Eldred's, it could be a location or a marina named after a person or family with the surname Eldred. Unfortunately, without more specific information or context, I am not able to provide exact details.

  2. Individual Named Marina Eldred: If you are referring to a person named Marina Eldred, it would be helpful to have more context about who she is—such as her profession, notable achievements, or the field she may be associated with.

If you can provide a little more context or specify what you are referring to, I would be glad to give a more precise and detailed response.

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