• Latitude: 62.8446
  • Longitude: 7.13184
  • Norwegian Coast
  • Anchorage in Norway

Address: Norway Norway

Marine Port Description and Specification: Elnesvågen Anchorage, Norway

General Overview:

  • Location: Elnesvågen is situated on the western coast of Norway, within the Møre og Romsdal county. The anchorage is situated near the Romsdalsfjorden, providing an essential maritime hub for various shipping activities.
  • Geographical Coordinates: Approx. 62.9090° N latitude and 7.1490° E longitude.
  • Primary Function: Elnesvågen Anchorage primarily serves as a secure location for vessels to anchor, taking advantage of the area's natural protection and deep waters.


  1. Anchorage Area:

    • Depth: Typically ranges between 20 to 40 meters, allowing for the accommodation of both small and larger vessels.
    • Seabed Composition: Generally, a mud and sand mixture, providing good holding ground for anchor.
  2. Navigation and Access:

    • Navigational Aids: The area is well-marked with buoys and may include lit channel markings, ensuring safe entry and exit in varied weather conditions.
    • Tidal Range: Moderate tidal variations, common to the Norwegian coast, need to be considered for precise anchoring and navigational planning.
    • Pilotage: Available upon request, although it is generally not compulsory for experienced maritime masters familiar with local conditions.
  3. Port Facilities:

    • Mooring Facilities: None at the anchorage itself, though nearby smaller docks and quays are available for smaller vessels and support operations.
    • Cargo Handling: The anchorage does not have significant cargo handling facilities; however, adjacent ports may provide required logistics support.
    • Waste Disposal: No direct facilities, but waste management services can be arranged through nearby port authorities in Møre og Romsdal.
  4. Communication:

    • VHF Channels: Standard maritime communication channels are in use, particularly VHF Channel 16 for hailing and emergencies.
    • Port Authority: Managed and monitored by the local maritime authorities within Møre og Romsdal.
  5. Safety and Security:

    • Weather Conditions: Typically temperate maritime climate, but the area can experience rapid weather changes. Regular weather updates and monitoring are crucial.
    • Security Measures: The region is generally secure, but standard maritime security protocols (ISPS) are to be followed.
  6. Nearby Services and Connections:

    • Transportation Links: Road connections to nearby towns and cities are available, with Elnesvågen being connected to regional hubs like Molde.
    • Supplies and Provisions: Basic supplies and marine provisions can be sourced from local suppliers in Elnesvågen or neighboring ports.

Additional Information:

  • Economic Activity: Local industries, particularly in fish processing and other maritime-related activities, often utilize Elnesvågen Anchorage.
  • Tourism: The picturesque Norwegian coast and the nearby Romsdalsfjorden attract various tourist activities, contributing to the local economy.


Elnesvågen Anchorage offers a strategically located and secure anchorage point on the Norwegian coast, suitable for a variety of vessels. Its deep waters, good holding ground, and accessible navigation make it a functional stopover in the maritime routes of the North Sea.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
EMILIE Other MOB:45028997 04:57:27
FINNSTRAUM Tanker NO ELN 01:53:50
XANTHIA Tanker NO ELN 9/18/2024
CSL TRIMNES Cargo VERDAL 9/15/2024
LATANA Tanker NOELN > FIFOR 9/14/2024
FRISK LUFT Pleasure 9/3/2024
JANBU Fishing 9/2/2024
HANS BRATTSTROM baycraft M[AALOY 9/1/2024
MOERETIND Cargo 8/30/2024
MARY ANN Pleasure 8/28/2024
TITRAN Cargo MALOY 8/28/2024
RINGHORN Sailing 8/25/2024
SANDAGUT Cargo 8/23/2024
BERGSTRAUM Tanker NO ELN > GB ABD 8/23/2024
ANDREA Tanker NOELN 8/22/2024

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