• Latitude: 30.6542
  • Longitude: 18.3863
  • East Mediterranean
  • Port in Libya

Address: Sidra Libya


Marine Port Description and Specification: Es Sider, Libya


Es Sider (also known as Sidra or As Sidr) is one of the largest oil-exporting terminals in Libya. Positioned on the Mediterranean coast, Es Sider is a critical infrastructure asset for Libya’s oil industry. The port is approximately 23 kilometers west of Ras Lanuf and is designed primarily for the export of crude oil. Es Sider plays an essential role in Libya's economy, given that oil exports constitute a major revenue source for the country.


  • Latitude: Approximately 30.6755° N
  • Longitude: Approximately 18.3667° E

Key Features:

  1. Terminal Facilities:

    • Crude Oil Storage: The port has substantial crude oil storage facilities, including several large storage tanks capable of holding millions of barrels of oil.
    • Pipelines: Oil is transported to Es Sider through a network of pipelines connecting the terminal to various oil fields in the Libyan interior.
  2. Berthing Facilities:

    • The port has several berths designed to handle large crude oil tankers ranging from Suezmax to VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) class vessels.
    • Berthing infrastructure includes both floating storage units and sea berths equipped to manage loading and offloading operations efficiently.
  3. Cargo Handling:

    • Main Cargo: Crude oil
    • The terminal is equipped with modern loading arms and metering systems to ensure accurate and efficient cargo handling.
  4. Access:

    • Marine Access: The port can accommodate large tankers with deep drafts, facilitated by its location on the Mediterranean sea deep-water coast.
    • Road Access: Connected to the country’s interior and oil fields via well-maintained pipelines and road networks.
  5. Port Services:

    • Pilotage: Pilotage is usually compulsory for vessels entering or leaving the terminal.
    • Tug Assistance: Tugs are available to assist in the maneuvering and berthing of vessels.
  6. Navigational Aids:

    • The port is equipped with navigational aids to support safe entry and departure of ships.
    • Regular maintenance ensures these aids are functioning correctly to provide accurate guidance.
  7. Security:

    • Given its strategic importance, the port is heavily secured with both physical security measures and surveillance systems in place.
    • Periodic security assessments are conducted to mitigate any potential threats.
  8. Operational Status:

    • The operational status of Es Sider can vary due to political and security conditions in Libya. Regular updates are required to ascertain the current status of operations at the port.

Usage: Es Sider is predominantly used for the export of crude oil, which is pumped from various oil fields to the terminal. The port’s infrastructure supports large-scale oil export operations, making it a pivotal point in Libya’s oil supply chain.

Contact Information: For specific operational details, schedules, and berth assignments, shipping agents or interested parties should contact the terminal operations management or relevant Libyan authorities responsible for port operations.

Conclusion: Es Sider remains a vital oil-exporting terminal for Libya, with extensive facilities geared towards the large-scale handling of crude oil exports. Its strategic location and robust infrastructure make it a key player in the global oil market.

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