• Latitude: -6.42423
  • Longitude: 12.3431
  • West Africa
  • Offshore Terminal in Angola

Address: Angola

Offshore Terminal ESTRELA in Angola is a key maritime facility designed to support the country's oil and gas industry. Located strategically in Angolan waters, the terminal plays a crucial role in the exportation and storage of hydrocarbons. Below are the detailed description and specifications of the Offshore Terminal ESTRELA:


  1. Location: Offshore Terminal ESTRELA is situated off the coast of Angola, within the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The terminal's precise coordinates are usually kept classified for security and operational reasons.

  2. Purpose:

    • Primarily used for the storage and export of crude oil and associated petroleum products.
    • Acts as a logistical hub for oil and gas operations in Angolan waters, supporting offshore drilling rigs and production facilities.
  3. Infrastructure:

    • Floating Storage and Offloading Units (FSO/FPSO): The terminal includes Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading units that allow for the storage of oil before it is transferred to tankers for export.
    • Loading Buoys and Berths: Equipped with Single Point Mooring (SPM) buoys and multiple berths designed to accommodate large ocean-going tankers.
    • Support Vessels: A fleet of support vessels, including tug boats, supply vessels, and emergency response vessels, are available for operational support and safety.


  1. Capacity:

    • Storage: The terminal features significant storage capacity through its FSOs/FPSOs, with individual units capable of storing millions of barrels of crude oil.
    • Export: High-capacity terminal capable of handling Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) and Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCCs).
  2. Operational Depth:

    • The terminal is located in deep waters, typically over 100 meters, which allows it to handle some of the largest tankers in operation.
  3. Mooring Facilities:

    • SPM System: The Single Point Mooring systems are designed to facilitate the safe and efficient mooring of tankers in adverse sea conditions.
    • Dynamic Positioning: High-tech dynamic positioning systems ensure the safe and stable positioning of tankers during loading and offloading operations.
  4. Safety and Environmental Measures:

    • Spill Response Equipment: Equipped with state-of-the-art oil spill containment and response kits, including booms, skimmers, and dispersants.
    • Firefighting Systems: Comprehensive firefighting systems on both the terminal and the support vessels.
    • Environmental Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of environmental parameters to ensure compliance with international maritime and environmental standards.
  5. Communication Systems:

    • Advanced communication systems, including radar, AIS (Automatic Identification System), and VHF radio, for efficient coordination of maritime traffic and operational activities.
  6. Regulatory Compliance:

    • The terminal complies with international maritime safety and environmental regulations, including those of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • Economic Contribution: Plays a vital role in Angola's economy by facilitating the export of one of its major natural resources, thereby generating significant revenue.
  • Strategic Hub: Serves as an important node in the global oil supply chain, providing logistical support for offshore exploration and production activities in the region.

In conclusion, Offshore Terminal ESTRELA is a sophisticated maritime installation vital for Angola's oil and gas sector, featuring advanced infrastructure, significant storage and export capacity, and robust safety and environmental controls.

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