• Latitude: 53.3586
  • Longitude: 6.1491
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Friesland Netherlands

Port of Ezumazijl, Netherlands

Overview: Ezumazijl is a modest yet significant maritime port in the Netherlands, serving as a local and regional hub for nautical activities. The port is located in the northern part of the country, in close proximity to the Wadden Sea and the North Sea, facilitating various forms of waterborne transport and industry.

Port Layout and Facilities:

  1. Harbour Basin: The port features a protected harbour basin suitable for small to medium-sized vessels. The entrance to the harbour is well-marked, ensuring safe navigation for incoming and outgoing boats.

  2. Berthing and Mooring: The port provides several berths with adequate mooring facilities. There are both fixed and floating pontoons designed to accommodate different vessel sizes and types.

  3. Loading and Unloading Equipment: The port is equipped with standard loading and unloading equipment including cranes and forklifts. It supports light industrial cargo operations, particularly for regional distribution.

  4. Storage Areas: Designated areas for open storage of goods exist near the quay, along with some sheltered warehousing options for more sensitive cargo.

  5. Fuel and Supplies: Fueling stations are available for vessels requiring diesel or petrol, and there are provisions for fresh water supply and basic marine supplies.

  6. Repair and Maintenance Facilities: Minor repair and maintenance services can be availed at the port. These include hull cleaning, engine servicing, and basic marine electronics repair.

Navigational Aspects:

  1. Access and Channels: The access channels to Ezumazijl are dredged regularly to maintain an adequate depth, allowing safe passage for vessels with different drafts. Navigation aids such as buoys, lights, and markers are in place to assist mariners.

  2. Tidal Information: The port experiences moderate tidal ranges. Mariners need to be aware of the local tidal schedules and potential variations to ensure safety and efficient docking.

  3. Pilotage: Pilotage is generally optional but can be arranged for larger or less experienced vessels requiring assistance with navigation and berthing.

Port Services:

  1. Customs and Security: As it operates within EU jurisdiction, standard customs and port security measures are enforced. The port facilities include customs offices and security personnel to oversee safe and legal operations.

  2. Maritime Support Services: The port offers several support services such as ship chandleries, maritime consultancies, and logistics companies providing a holistic support system for shipping operations.

  3. Communication and IT: Advanced communication facilities are available. This includes VHF maritime radio for communications with port authorities, Wi-Fi zones for crew and business use, and IT support for logistical operations.

Environmental and Safety Regulations:

  1. Waste Management: Strict waste management protocols are enforced to prevent pollution. Facilities for waste oil, bilge water, and garbage disposal are available.

  2. Safety Protocols: Regular safety drills and emergency response plans are in place. The port complies with international safety standards to ensure the safety of personnel and vessels.

Economic and Development Aspects:

  1. Local Economy: Ezumazijl serves as a pivotal economic node for the surrounding region, supporting local industries like fishing, small-scale manufacturing, and tourism.

  2. Development Projects: Continuous investment in infrastructure and technology is witnessed to enhance capacity and efficiency. Plans for expansion may include better storage facilities and enhanced maintenance docks to cater to growing maritime traffic.


  1. Road and Rail Access: The port enjoys good connectivity with major roads and highways, linking it efficiently to urban centers and industrial zones.

  2. Air Transport: The nearest major airports can be accessed for international and domestic flights, facilitating logistics and crew changes.

In essence, while relatively smaller than major international ports, Ezumazijl plays a crucial role in the local maritime infrastructure of the Netherlands, offering essential services for commercial, industrial, and recreational maritime activities.

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