• Latitude: -12.6084
  • Longitude: 13.2036
  • West Africa
  • Port in Angola

Address: Farta Bay Benguela Angola

Farta Bay, also known as Baía Farta, is a notable maritime location in Angola, Africa. It is situated in the Benguela Province along the country's Atlantic coast. Here’s an overview of the marine port description and specifications for Farta Bay:

Port Description

  1. Location: Farta Bay is located approximately 20 kilometers southwest of the city of Benguela, within the municipality of Baía Farta in Angola. The geographical coordinates are roughly around latitude 12.4444° S and longitude 13.1583° E.

  2. Key Features:

    • Strategic Position: Its position on the western coast of Angola makes it a significant site for both local fishing activities and potential future commercial maritime operations.
    • Natural Landscape: The bay is characterized by a naturally sheltered harbor, protected from Atlantic swells, making it suitable for various marine activities.
  3. Infrastructure:

    • The port infrastructure in Farta Bay is relatively underdeveloped compared to major ports like Luanda and Lobito. However, the area has significant potential for future expansion.
    • Facilities: Basic facilities for fishing vessels and small cargo handling exist. Upgrading and modernization efforts may be required to handle larger container traffic and more diverse cargo.
  4. Economic Activity:

    • Fishing Industry: The region is known for its robust fishing industry. Numerous local fishing boats operate out of Farta Bay, which is rich in diverse marine life.
    • Trade: Limited trade activities are currently conducted, but there is potential for growth with investments in infrastructure.

Port Specifications

  1. Navigation and Access:

    • Approach: Ships approaching Farta Bay should be aware of the coastal currents and underwater topography. Nautical charts and local pilotage services are recommended for safe entry.
    • Depth: The bay's depths vary, generally suitable for smaller vessels. Larger freighters may require dredging to accommodate deeper drafts.
    • Tidal Information: The region experiences moderate tidal variations. Detailed tidal charts should be consulted during planning and operation.
  2. Port Services:

    • Anchorage: Several anchorage points are available, with anchorage facilities mainly serving fishing fleets.
    • Berthing: Limited berthing spots are present. Expansion plans could involve constructing additional berths to cater to increased traffic.
    • Loading/Unloading: Current operational capabilities for handling cargo are basic. Enhancements in port handling machinery and storage facilities would be needed for expanded operations.
  3. Safety and Regulations:

    • Environmental Concerns: The bay area is environmentally sensitive, with marine ecosystems that need protection. Activities are regulated to mitigate environmental impact.
    • Security: Basic port security measures are in place, and future developments would likely include enhanced security protocols.
  4. Future Prospects:

    • Development Plans: There have been discussions and proposals around further developing Farta Bay's port infrastructure to support regional growth and diversification of Angola’s maritime economy.
    • Investment Opportunities: Given Angola's broader economic plans, Farta Bay represents a potential hub for marine and commercial activities with the right investments and strategic development.


Farta Bay in Angola holds strategic importance with its natural harbor and strong local fishing industry. While current infrastructure is basic, there is considerable potential for development to enhance its capabilities for handling larger and more diverse maritime operations. Future expansions and investments could transform Farta Bay into a significant multi-purpose port, contributing to regional economic growth.

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