• Latitude: -8.51549
  • Longitude: 121.329
  • Indonesia
  • Port in Indonesia

Address: Flores East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Flores, an island in Indonesia, has a number of small port facilities and landing points that are crucial for local transportation, fishing, and tourism. However, when referring to the terms "marine port" and "specifications," it is important to note that Flores does not have major commercial ports like other cities in Indonesia. Instead, it has several smaller harbors that cater to different needs, including tourism, inter-island connectivity, and the fishing industry.

Here are some key features and details about notable ports on Flores:

1. Labuan Bajo

  • Location: Situated on the western tip of the island, Labuan Bajo is the gateway to the Komodo National Park.
  • Facilities: Limited docking facilities mainly suitable for small and medium-sized vessels. Some larger yachts and cruise ships may anchor offshore.
  • Services: Basic amenities including fuel, water, and provisions. Dive operators and tour companies for Komodo Island trips.
  • Tourism: Highly popular for tourists heading to Komodo Island and the surrounding marine parks.
  • Navigation: Moderate navigation challenges due to reefs and small islets.

2. Maumere

  • Location: Positioned on the northern coast of Flores.
  • Facilties: A more developed port compared to some others on the island, with a wharf and facilities to support general cargo and passenger boats.
  • Services: Availability of fuel, provisions, and some repair services.
  • Fishing: Considerable fishing activities, with a local economy reliant on fishing and maritime activities.
  • Navigation: Generally safe but requires local knowledge due to coral reefs and shoals.

3. Larantuka

  • Location: On the eastern tip of Flores, across the strait from the island of Adonara.
  • Facilties: Small wharf able to accommodate small cargo ships and ferries.
  • Services: Basic port services including local market provisions, limited fuel, and basic maritime maintenance.
  • Commerce: Acts as a minor commercial hub for the eastern Flores region.
  • Navigation: Navigable waters but presence of strong currents in the strait requires caution.

General Characteristics for Ports on Flores:

  • Infrastructure: Generally, marine port infrastructure is basic and often requires upgrades.
  • Commercial Use: Limited commercial activity compared to larger Indonesian ports.
  • Tourism: Ports like Labuan Bajo see extensive tourist usage due to proximity to natural attractions.
  • Fishing Industry: A significant part of the local economy with numerous small fishing vessels.
  • Inter-island Connectivity: Essential for movement of goods and passengers between Flores and surrounding islands.


  • Port Development: Limited investment can lead to inadequate facilities and services for modern maritime needs.
  • Environmental Factors: Coral reefs and narrow straits present navigation challenges.
  • Weather Conditions: Tropical climate with monsoon seasons affecting maritime conditions during certain times of the year.

Potential Future Developments:

Efforts are often discussed regarding the upgrading of port facilities to better serve increasing tourism demands and improve the efficiency of cargo handling and inter-island connectivity.

Understanding these characteristics can help in planning maritime activities, tourism ventures, and logistical operations on and around Flores Island.

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