• Latitude: 4.78765
  • Longitude: 113.495
  • Indonesia
  • Offshore Terminal in Malaysia

Address: Malaysia

As of my latest available information up to 2021, I don't have specific data about an offshore terminal named "FOUR RAINBOW" in Malaysia. However, I can provide a general overview of the features and specifications that such an offshore terminal might include. Typically, offshore terminals in Malaysia (or anywhere else) are designed for the loading and unloading of oil and gas from tankers and other vessels. They can be either single-point mooring (SPM) systems, floating storage and offloading units (FSO), or floating production storage and offloading units (FPSO).

General Specifications of an Offshore Terminal:

  1. Location and Environment:

    • Situated offshore usually several kilometers away from the coast.
    • Designed to withstand harsh marine environments including high winds, waves, and currents.
  2. Mooring and Berthing:

    • Equipped with single or multiple mooring buoys for vessel mooring.
    • Capable of handling different sizes of vessels, including Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) and Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCCs).
  3. Storage Capacity:

    • Floating terminals (FSO or FPSO) will have significant storage capacities, typically in the range of hundreds of thousands to millions of barrels of oil.
  4. Processing Facilities:

    • FPSOs might include processing facilities for crude oil (e.g., separating oil, gas, and water).
  5. Safety and Environmental Protections:

    • Equipped with safety measures including fire suppression systems, emergency shutdown systems, and oil spill response equipment.
    • Compliant with international and national regulations such as MARPOL, SOLAS, and local marine regulations.
  6. Pipelines and Infrastructure:

    • Connected to subsea pipelines for the transfer of oil or gas to/from onshore facilities.
    • Loading arms or flexible hoses are used for the transfer operations.
  7. Living Quarters and Amenities:

    • Accommodations for staff, which may include sleeping quarters, kitchens, and recreational areas, particularly on larger vessels like FPSOs.
  8. Communication and Navigation:

    • Equipped with advanced communication systems for operations management.
    • Navigational aids such as radar, GPS, and AIS (Automatic Identification System).

Example of a Typical Specification Sheet:

  • Terminal Designation: Offshore Terminal - FOUR RAINBOW
  • Location: Offshore Malaysia, Coordinates [To be specified]
  • Mooring System: Single Point Mooring (SPM) Buoy
    • Capacity: Suitable for VLCC and ULCC
    • Weather Conditions: Operable in up to Sea State 6
  • Storage: If applicable (FSO/FPSO)
    • Capacity: Up to 1 million barrels of crude oil
  • Pipelines:
    • Oil Pipeline Diameter: 24 inches
    • Gas Pipeline Diameter: N/A
  • Processing Capacity:
    • Oil: Up to 200,000 barrels per day
    • Gas: [If applicable]
  • Environmental Protections:
    • Oil Spill Response: Tier 1, 2, and 3 preparedness
    • Waste Treatment: Compliant with MARPOL Annex I-V
  • Safety Measures:
    • Fire Suppression: Foam and Dry Chemical Systems
    • Emergency Shutdown: Fully Automated ESD system
  • Certification:
    • ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001
    • Compliance with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations

To get exact details and specifications for the "FOUR RAINBOW" offshore terminal, you would need to consult official maritime or oil and gas regulatory bodies in Malaysia, or the terminal's operating company directly. This may include agencies such as the Malaysian Maritime and Port Authority (MMPA) or Petronas, the national oil company.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
FPSO HELANG Other SK10 9/19/2024

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